打開潘朵拉的盒子 Opening
a Pandora's box
因療法 │ 細
胞移植 Gene
therapy │ cell
│ 解
碼遺傳學 │ Decode
Genetics 「基因操控」也就是人為修改人類基因,美國分子生物學家李‧席維爾教授預言,人類將可以「訂做孩子」,也就是照著父母的願
望,修改孩子的基因。 "Genetic manipulation" that
is artificially modified human gene, the U.S. molecular biologist,
Professor Lee ‧ Xi Weier predicted, the human will be able to
"tailor-made children", that is, according the wishes of their parents,
modify the child's genes. 這是一對生活在21世紀的夫婦,他們已經完成體外人工受孕,為胚胎取名「愛麗絲」,只要按個鍵就可以看到愛麗絲所有的基因
This is a pair of couples living in the 21st
century, they have completed in vitro artificial insemination, the
embryo called "Alice", just press a button you can see all of the
genetic data Alice, based on this information, parents can Alice
tailored to select and incorporate them ideal gene, embryonic genetic
information into the computer, the computer and then open the "severe
single-gene defects," the file, once found may lead to fatal or major
disease gene, to be repaired immediately Then open the file, then save
as "suffering from complex, infectious diseases tend to" information,
humans will be able to modify the gene to reduce such risks.
愛麗絲16歲時候的模樣,基因操控的程序完成後,醫生便把胚胎,殖入母親的子宮。 These
amazing prophecies appear in the "reconstruction of the Garden of
Eden," This book is the author of the book Xi Weier study molecular
biology at Princeton University, a heavyweight, and now custom-made
child, the final polish on only a thin, height, weight, hair color, eye
and skin color, sports talent, artistic talent, parents choose their own
genes wish Alice, 11 entered complete circle work computer, the screen
will appear when Alice looked like 16 years, gene After completion of
the process control, medical Bianba embryos, cloned into the mother's
womb. 普林斯頓大學李‧席維爾教授認為,以往的演化都是隨機的,完全是聽天由命,以後將不再是隨機演化,我們將朝著明確的方向前
‧ Xi Weier Princeton University, Professor Lee, the
past evolution is random, completely resigned and is no longer a random
evolution, we will move towards a clear direction, control their own
evolution, and this dream, they are able to achieve so quickly is
because we have the technology, and even later generations, will
determine the evolution of the outlook, we will dominate the evolution.
洋溢的頂尖人物,人為操控基因的能力,對後代子孫的影響,將是無法估計的。 After
nine months, tailored to the child born, Xi Weier Professor of genetic
manipulation of the results predicted, and our future generations will
be professional athletes, scientists, musicians, artists and other
talented and professions, the capacity of human genetic manipulation,
the impact on future generations would be incalculable.
基因療法 Gene
Now, this ability to have in our hands.
The venture capital companies working on research
to the normal gene to replace the disease gene therapy, with special
equipment, DNA's chemical basic unit of A, T, G and C is the correct
order, and with some of mutation, and compare This DNA contains the 63
code is designed for the treatment synthetic, it will be wrapped
envelope, delivered to the cell nucleus, into the nucleus after, with 63
code of DNA, will be attached to the mutation site, the intracellular
repair proteins can play a role in repair gene mutations in some of it
back to normal, remove or modify the DNA in the plants DNA, genetic
manipulation is an example. 完全由A、T、G、C等4個字碼組成的DNA語言,是地球上一切生物共通的、任何字碼組合而成的生物體,人類都可以操控它的
基因,移植到番茄的細胞內,就可以延長番茄的保鮮期。 Entirely by
the A, T, G, C, etc. 4 DNA code consisting of language, is common to all
life on Earth, a combination of any code of organisms, human beings can
manipulate its genes, for example, can have fresh tomatoes been
manipulated in order to extend the shelf, the scientists first removed
the genetic inhibition of corruption, it would be embedded in unrelated
organisms, such as E. coli, and then be copied, replicated genes, the
cells transplanted into the tomato, it can be extended tomato
preservation. 透過這些技術,人類可望打破各個物種之間的藩籬,創造嶄新的
給人類,哪些新的事物,我們該怎麼看待這項,現代科學催生的技術? Through
these technologies, the human is expected to break down barriers
between the various species to create new organisms, gene manipulation
technology has brought many of our agricultural products and
pharmaceuticals, to date, Japan had already approved more than 20 kinds
of genetically modified food and more than 10 kinds of drugs, no one can
predict the genetic manipulation will bring to mankind, what new
things, how should we view this, birth of modern science and technology?
Liu Zejing son is a writer for 30 years, despite
constant and a combat diseases of unknown causes, but she works on the
life sciences are still endless, over the past year, her health improved
slightly by the father of botanist , Keiko University, majored in
biology, after graduating from college, she went to Columbia University,
and participate in the most advanced scientific research, Keiko after
marrying and still return to research positions, but on 30 birthday,
nausea, body The symptoms of pain, forcing her to give up work.
Over the past 4 years her health gradually
deteriorated, and she even consider euthanasia, because these personal
experiences, Keiko deepening of life science and gene technology.
這會讓人十分振奮。 Liu Zejing child at Columbia
University, I participated in a study, try to understand if only to
replace A, T, C, G were a code, is not it will suddenly change, the
answer is yes, because DNA is a double helix, for example, There T was
replaced, and mutations may not be immediately apparent, but in the
first cell division, in different circumstances, mutations may occur in
the second cell division, and the original hypothesis that coincides
with this accuracy has its advantages, the researchers can prove that
assumption is correct, this will make people very excited.
以我們必須謹慎行事,此時此刻,我們對人類的基因,究竟瞭解多少? However,
when human greed and when linking R & D, which is the root of the
problem, so we must be careful, at this moment, we are human genes, what
is know about? 家住賓州的迪瑞米吉歐夫婦,新婚不久,剛買下夢寐以求的屋子,這一天又是妻子凱莉的28歲生日,他倆確實應該好好慶祝,但興
姊姊已經確定遺傳了這種基因。 迪瑞米吉欧couple who lives
in Pennsylvania, married, just bought the next dream house, this day is
his wife Kelly's 28th birthday, They really should make to celebrate,
but the euphoria of Kelly, but do not mind off haze, she may have
inherited a cause Huntington's disease gene, while's disease is still
incurable, Kelly's father died of chorea 53 years old, 4 years old than
her big sister have been identified inherited the gene. 舞蹈症是因為第4對染色體基因突變引起的,此處染色體以C、A、G的順序,重複這三個字碼,正常情況下它會重複29次,但舞
蹈症患者會至少重複35次,多餘的序列產生的蛋白質,有結晶化的的傾向,醫學界認為,這就是破壞神經細胞的元兇。 Chorea is because the gene mutation on chromosome 4
caused, where chromosomes with C, A, G sequence, repeat these three
words code, under normal circumstances it would be repeated 29 times,
but it's disease patients will be repeated at least 35 times, redundant
protein sequence generation, there is a tendency to crystallization of
the medical community that this is the destruction of nerve cells in the
culprit. 目前舞蹈症仍是不治之症,患者多數在30歲左右發病,先是手腳不斷抖動,慢慢地患者再無法控制四肢的行動,最後還會喪失心智
能力,大約在發病十年後喪生。 Currently chorea is
still an incurable disease, most patients with onset around the age of
30, first shake hands constantly and slowly limbs were no longer able to
control the action, will be the ultimate loss of mental abilities, some
years after the onset of death. 每年夏天凱莉全家都會一起去露營,凱莉很在意已經發作在姊姊身上的病情,跟丈夫討論是否要生小孩後,凱莉決定接受基因檢測。
Every summer the family would go camping Kelly,
Kelly is very concerned about attacks in the sister who has the illness,
with her husband after discussing whether to have children, Kelly
decided to undergo genetic testing. 遺傳杭廷頓氏舞蹈症的機率是一半一半,照料父親直到他過世的凱莉和丈夫,很清楚這種病的症狀和病程,在凱莉接受檢查的醫院,
患者必須接受6個月的心理諮商,在他們做好心理準備後,院方才會揭曉檢查結果。 Huntington's
disease genetic probability is half and half, take care of his father
until he died, Kelly and her husband, it is clear the symptoms and
course of the disease, Kelly checked in the hospital, patients must be 6
months of psychological counseling, they mentally prepared, the
hospital had just test results will be announced. 人類基因研究計畫,已經進行了將近十年,這段期間人類基因組中十萬個基因,科學家已解譯出十分之一,並找出約7千個致病基
因,世界各國都已投入研究,試圖深入瞭解基因致病的機制,進而研發出有效的基因療法。 Human gene research projects have been carried out for
almost a decade, this period in the human genome 100 000 genes,
scientists have interpreted the one-tenth, and find out about 7 1 000
disease genes, have been involved in research around the world trying to
understand mechanisms of disease genes, and then develop effective gene
細胞移植 Cell transplantation 帕金森氏症是黑質代謝異常引起的,而黑質是細胞產生神經傳導
生命的新方法,以便解決這個問題。 Parkinson's disease
is a metabolic disorder caused by substantia nigra, and substantia nigra
are cells where the neurotransmitter dopamine, Sweden and the U.S.
medical community have started clinical trials of cell transplantation
therapies, transplantation therapy using abortion, fetal brain but cells
were removed and directly injected into the brain, there are already
cases show that the original can not be self-standing Parkinson's
disease patients, after receiving this therapy, but also to walk, but
this therapy detonated a moral debate, because It uses the abortion of
the fetus, and now scientists are studying a new method of manipulating
life, in order to solve this problem.
皮氏培養皿繁殖細胞,讓它長成腦細胞,這些是人體的神經幹細胞,它可以長成腦細胞,短短一個星期,細胞便可增生一百萬倍。 Harvard Medical School, Alvin ‧ Xideboshi have developed a
method of abortion, the fetus does not need to obtain cells for
transplants, he successfully developed a technology that uses a Petri
dish for breeding cell, let it grow into brain cells, these are human
neural stem cells that can grow into brain cells, just one week, cell
proliferation can be a million times. 艾文‧席德博士表示幹細胞不但可以取代細胞,還可以帶入外來有療效的基因,就好像木馬屠城記的木馬,木馬被帶進特洛伊城,士
兵就藏在馬腹內,這細胞會進到腦部,同時帶進具有療效的基因,這些細胞會變成腦的一部份,同時也帶進外來的基因。 Alvin ‧ Xideboshi that stem cells can not only replace
the cells, but also a therapeutic gene into the outside, like Trojan
Horses Trojan, Trojan horses are brought into the city of Troy, the
soldiers hidden in the horse abdomen, which cells into the the brain at
the same time into a therapeutic gene, these cells will become part of
the brain, but also into the foreign genes. 席德博士正進行實驗,把人類的神經幹細胞,移植到老鼠的胚胎內,移植結果顯示,人類的神經幹細胞會在老鼠的腦部落地生根,
成長為組成腦部的細胞、神經元和膠質細胞,一切順利的話,席德博士希望兩年後開始在人體進行基因療法。 Xideboshi is conducting experiments to the human neural
stem cells transplanted into mouse embryos, the transplantation showed
that human neural stem cells take root in the rat brain, growth for the
composition of the brain cells, neurons and glial cells all goes well,
after two years Xideboshi hope to conduct gene therapy in humans.
細胞,也就是胚胎幹細胞,被視為下個世紀開啟無數醫學大門的鑰匙。 Last
year in November, U.S. researchers have successfully cultured human
embryonic stem cells, ES cells, embryonic stem cells is seen as the next
century, the key to open the door to numerous medical. 大阪大學的濱田弘志教授研究老鼠的ES細胞已有一段時間,ES細胞和受精卵一樣都是全能的,也就是說它可能長成身體的各種
細胞,掌控基因的活動後,人類如今可以培養細胞,留住這種驚人的能力。 Osaka
University Research Professor Tian Hongzhi Bin mouse ES cells for some
time, ES cells and fertilized eggs are the same as the all-powerful,
that it could grow into a variety of body cells control gene activity,
can now be cultured human cells , to keep this amazing ability.
模式。 Bin Professor Tian Hongzhi that ES
cells and other cells, the biggest difference is that it is
all-powerful, it can grow a variety of cells, his ultimate goal is to
change the mode of control ES cells. 心肌細胞也就是心臟肌肉的細胞,它是由ES細胞分化而來的,治療心肌梗塞、心肌病變等心臟疾病的方法,可能因為ES細胞而徹
舞蹈症等疾病的良藥。 Myocardial cells that is
the heart muscle cells, which come from the ES cell differentiation, and
treatment of myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy and other heart
diseases, it is possible because the ES cells and completely changed, ES
cells of vitamin A acid, the president into a nerve element, such as
glial cells, vitamin A acid is that it grow into brain cells, catalysts,
artificial manipulation of the ES cell gene, expected to be the
treatment of Parkinson's disease and, chorea and other diseases in
medicine. 日後我們能不能像更換故障的機器零件一樣輕易更換身體的器官? Can we change the future failure of machine parts as
easily as changing the body's organs? 果真付諸實現,「生命」將不再是我們所瞭解的模樣,不久後個人基因資料的取得,將是輕而易舉的事,而基因資料正是這類療法的
根本。 Really put into practice, "life"
will no longer look like we know, shortly after the acquisition of
personal genetic data, will be easy, but this type of gene therapy is
the fundamental data. 科學家在芝加哥近郊的國立阿爾岡實驗室,正著手製作名為「DNA晶片」的玻片,每個晶片有數萬個不到百分之一毫米的小洞,每
息。 Scientists in the Chicago suburb of
Algonquin National Laboratory, is working on production called "DNA
chips" in the slide, there are tens of thousands each chip less than 1%
mm hole, each hole can be implanted with 10 000 3 1000 code of the DNA
sequence of the DNA found in looking after the code sequence can be
calculated, the blood sample on the slide after dropping just a few
seconds, you will have a disease of genetic information. 國立阿爾岡實驗室哈維‧德呂克博士表示,一旦擁有完整的基因組資料,該怎麼使用? ‧ Delluc Algonquin National Laboratory, Dr. Harvey said
that once the complete genome has information how to use it?
誰可以拿到這些資料? Who can get
this information? 何時可用? When available? 如何確保拿到資料的人能善盡責任,不用在損人的用途,所謂「損人」的意思是,比方你來投保健康險,但我們卻不願承保,你可能
罹患的5種疾病。 How to ensure people can get
information fulfill the responsibility, not at the expense of people's
use of so-called "loss" and mean, for example, to cover your health
insurance, but we do not want insurance, you may be suffering from the
five kinds of diseases. 俄亥俄州的泰瑞莎‧莫瑞里投保健康險時,曾附上一份健康證明,註明她已過世的父親患有舞蹈症,保險公司拒絕承保,他們沒有說
明拒絕受理的原因,就只是退回,她已經支付的35塊美金。 Ohio
Mother ‧ Murray in health insurance coverage when he accompanied a
health certificate stating that she has passed away father with chorea,
the insurance company refused to cover, they do not accept the reasons
for refusal, it is returned that she had paid 35 dollars. 泰瑞莎‧莫瑞里非常憤怒,她本身是律師,竭盡所能做事,根據當時俄亥俄州的法律,她不能控告保險公司,州政府也還沒立法,根
傳性疾病。 Mother ‧ Murray in a very angry,
she is a lawyer and do their best work, according to Ohio law at that
time, she can not sue the insurance companies, state government has yet
to legislation, according to federal law, consumers can not sue
insurance companies when there is discrimination cases, insurance
companies refuse coverage is based on genetic testing, or genetic
history, or so-called "existing" conditions, that is, genetic disease.
How will the future use of human genetic
information? 在大西洋極北,擁有27萬人口的島國冰島,個人的基因資料成
這項法案完全違反公平正義的原則,這麼重大的議題,支持者真能負得起責任? In
the far north Atlantic Ocean, the island has a population of 270,000,
Iceland, personal genetic data became the focus of intense debate, on
December 98, Iceland, personal genetic information through the National
Library Act, set off this debate, under "Library Bill of health sector" ,
the Government can specify the private sector to collect information on
the National Personal De gene, is a national health management Zhiyong,
this family enterprise Ye can respond to these资料was analyzed and Ta
Dangzuoshangpin Xiao Shou, Congress Yiyuan on the bill, disagree ,
eloquent, some members of Congress that the bill Iceland completely
contrary to the principles of fairness and justice, such a major issue,
supporters can really afford to bear the responsibility? 於是堅決反對。 So firmly
opposed. 國會最後以37票贊成,21票反對通過法案,首開國際社會立
法的先例,賦予政府掌控國民基因資料的權力。 Congress last of
37 votes in favor and 21 votes against to pass the bill, the first
legislation of precedent to open the international community to give the
government power to control the national genetic data. 冰島衛生部長茵吉柏格‧帕馬多提認為,這是冰島公共衛生與醫療照護體系的一大突破,這項法案將使許多新藥物得以問世,無數
疾病得以防範於未然,對於飽受疾病折磨,等待一帖良藥的人們,這將是一大利多。 Iceland's
Minister of Health Yin Ji Boge ‧ Pamaduoti that this is the Icelandic
public health and health care system a major breakthrough, the bill will
allow many new drugs to come out, many diseases to preventive measures,
for suffering from the disease torture, waiting for a quote good
medicine for people, this will be a boon. 冰島國會議員歐慕德‧約納森則認為,民間企業可以接觸到全國民眾的資料,藥廠可以利用這類資料,想起來真令人不寒而慄,資
料外洩是勢所難免的,其結果將是患者本身和他的家人,都會受到歧視。 Iceland
Congress Oumu De ‧ Jonathan believes that private enterprise can come
into contact with people across the country information, pharmaceutical
companies can use such information, to think of it really chilling, data
leakage is inevitable, and the results will be is the patients
themselves and his family will be discriminated against. 維京人在一千多年前,發現冰島並在此定居,一千年來移出、移入的人相當有限,人口結構十分穩定,因此千年前的家譜,流傳到
現在,絲毫不足為奇。 Vikings a thousand years
ago, found in Iceland and in this settlement, out of a thousand years,
people moved very limited, the population structure is very stable, so
thousands of years ago the family tree, spread to now, no surprise.
某種病史的人,可以找出他們的DNA序列,如果某種序列只出現在罹病的族人身上,這便是相關基因的序列。 Genealogy including ancestors, including a total of 100
million records, these are priceless, can provide clues to lead to a
disease gene, for example, have a family history for people who can find
their DNA sequence, if a sequence of only tribe in the diseased body,
which is related gene sequences. 冰島政府不斷重申新法案的好處,強調人民將可以得知,自己可能罹患哪些疾病,而且隨著新藥物的問世,社會福利和醫療照護支
出,可望大幅減少。 Iceland's Government has
repeatedly reiterated the benefits of the new bill, emphasized that
people will be able to tell, what diseases themselves, and with the
advent of new drugs, social welfare and health care spending is expected
to be substantially reduced.
解碼遺傳學 Decode Genetics
The biotechnology company is discussing the
government can not and Iceland signed exclusive license agreements, the
company is trying to cooperate and physicians and patients to identify
35 kinds of pathogenic genes. 取得的患者資料,將全部輸入電腦,患者個人的病史等健康資料,以及婚姻、吸煙、墮胎,心理狀態等,甚至髮色、膚色等都是蒐集
Patients obtained information will be fully entered
into the computer, the patient's medical history and other personal
health information, and marriage, smoking, abortion, mental state, and
even hair color, skin color and other objects are collected, more
importantly, patients with family history also entered into the
computer, researchers will collect blood samples from each person, from
out DNA, according to the complete information, the government can
systematically identify the causative gene. 「解碼」利用高速分析儀,解讀每個人的DNA序列,成功地找出一個引發風濕性關節病變的基因。
"Decoding" high-speed analysis instrument,
interpretation of each person's DNA sequence, to successfully identify a
cause of rheumatic joint disease genes. 瑞士的羅德大藥廠投資「解碼」的金額已高達24億日圓,因為這類基因資料對於新藥的開發,有著極高的價值。
Swiss pharmaceutical companies invest in Rhodes,
"decoding" the amount has reached 2.4 billion yen, because such genetic
information for drug development, has great value. 解碼公司總裁暨執行長卡利‧史蒂芬生表示,目前「解碼」已經收集了一萬三千人的血液樣本,以及六萬人的家譜,個人的基因資
料,成了一本萬利的生意。 Decoding Cali's president
and CEO ‧ Stevenson said that at present, "decoding" has collected
13,000 blood samples of people and six million people in the family
tree, personal genetic information, has become a big profit business.
網路舉辦全球性的討論會,表達他反對這項法律的立場。 University
of Iceland Professor of Evolutionary Biology and Population Genetics,
Aina ‧ Anna Sen, is organized through the Internet will be a global
discussion and expressed his opposition to the law's position.
He believes this is too deformed, and the situation
in Iceland is really a big mistake, according to the bill, the state
can justifiably cut social welfare spending, but some industries that
profit from this phenomenon is very biased, Iceland to nationals genetic
information into the system management, and therefore students
opportunities, rise to all kinds of hard problems, our genes who is all?
社會應該怎樣,看待這樣的所有權? How
should the community, think of this title? 柳澤敬子認為基因資料應該只在本人要求時,透露給本人知道,沒有經過本人允許,即使是最親近的家人,也不應該被告知,政府
優先享有資料的所有權,簡直就是荒謬,這種情況非常危險,值得我們憂心。 Liu
Zejing child that genetic data should only be in my request, disclose
to me to know, without my permission, even if it is a close family, and
should not be told that the Government give priority to enjoy the
ownership of information, is simply absurd, this is highly danger, we
should worry about. 對於實地從事研究的科學家來說,這樣的資料確實是夢寐以求
For the field research of scientists, such
information is indeed a dream to Iceland's position, the Government
competent genetic information, of course, can accelerate the pace of
research, but speed up the research results produced, using existing
methods in time can still be done to speed up the pace might be a good
thing, because we are anxious to find out the treatment method, but
faster is not necessarily like, but more importantly is that we must
tread cautiously, measured from the relevant ethical issues, do not
violate Nature. 此刻,連還沒有誕生的下一代,都開始接受基因測試,加州政府便針對產前篩檢,提供經費補助,檢查是否有先天缺陷,並沒有補
助,但孕婦進行更精確的羊膜穿刺檢查則是免費。 At the moment,
not even the birth of the next generation, are beginning to undergo
genetic testing for prenatal screening in California Government, to
provide subsidies to check for birth defects, and no subsidies, but more
precise pregnant women amniocentesis is Free. 州政府將負擔這項費用,知道腹中的胎兒有唐氏症候群等異常狀況時,多數婦女會選擇墮胎,雖然墮胎是否違反道德,以及殘障人士
的生命權等,都還有爭議,但仍有越來越多人傾向接受產前診斷。 State
government will pay this fee, that the unborn baby has Down syndrome and
other anomalies O'clock, Duoshu Women Xuanze abortions, although
Duotaishifou Wei Fan ethics, as well as other disabled persons of Sheng
Ming Quan, Du Hai You dispute, Danreng You more and more people tend to
accept prenatal diagnosis. 阿爾菲根遺傳學院潘美拉‧藍道夫博士認為,它的好處不只是發現先天性缺陷,事實上如果完全從經濟的角度出發,因為有某些先天
性缺陷的新生兒減少了,所以也算是好事。 Alfie root Genetic
Institute Pamela ‧ Blue Road Fu Boshi that it benefits not only to
detect congenital defects, in fact, entirely from the economic point of
view, because of the reduction of certain birth defects in newborns, so
can be considered good. 估計扶養一個唐氏症,也就是所謂蒙古症患者,一輩子的大概要
50萬美金。 Estimated to raise a Down's
syndrome, also known as Down's Syndrome patients, a lifetime of probably
five hundred thousand dollars. 該如何使用基因科技? The use of
gene technology? 這是個值得深思的問題,但答覆這個問題的線索卻在DNA本
身。 This is a question worth pondering,
but clues to answer this question is in the DNA itself. 深入瞭解鐮狀血球貧血症,這種由第11對染色體基因突變引起的疾病,我們將可瞭解基因驚人的演化能力,鐮狀血球貧血這種疾
這種疾病可能會致人於死。 Understanding of sickle
blood cells anemia, which by the gene mutation on chromosome 11 cause
the disease, we will be able to understand the evolution of gene amazing
ability to sicklemia the disease, because under normal circumstances
cylindrical soft crusts red blood cells become rigid and sickle-shaped
and can not successfully carry oxygen, the result is difficulty
breathing, increasing the load on the liver and kidneys, immune system
defects also occur, the disease may be fatal. 鐮狀血球貧血,往往發生在非洲後裔身上。 Sicklemia,
often occur in the body of African descent. 兩歲大的查理已經多次住院,每兩個月便發病一次,70年代在美國,鐮狀血球貧血患者無論就業就學都飽受歧視,患者的基因,為
什麼會發生突變? Charles two years old has
been hospitalized several times, once every two months to disease, and
70 years in the United States, sicklemia patients are suffering from
discrimination in schooling and employment, the patient's genes, why
would a mutation? 始作俑者是非洲的生活環境。 Initiator of the living environment in Africa.
蟲進入人體後,破壞血球,肝臟、脾臟等細胞。 Kenya, Lake
Victoria town of Jesus Church Farm, 4 million people, a long time,
malaria has been the biggest public health problem here, marsh
mosquitoes plagued areas, coupled with high population density, provides
the ideal environment for transmission of malaria residents with the
malaria parasite in the mosquitoes are biting, it will, infected with
malaria parasite enters the human body, the destruction of blood cells,
liver, spleen and other cells. 但醫學界認為,鐮狀血球患者由於紅血球的含氧量過低,瘧疾原蟲無法增生,國立衛生研究院亞倫‧薛詩特博士解釋,帶有鐮狀紅血
多,患者要同時遺傳父母親的,這項基因才會發病,一家如果有4個小孩,其中兩個不但不會發病,也不容易感染瘧疾。 But the medical community that patients with sickle blood
cells are too low because the oxygen content of red blood cells,
malaria parasites can not hyperplasia, National Institutes of Health,
explained Aaron ‧ Dr. Xue Shite with the people of sickle-cell gene,
resistance to malaria infection and The survival rate after severe
malaria, than those who do not have such high gene, the medical
profession also believe that is why the African tropics and in the
eastern region, the sickle gene are very much blood, the patient should
also genetic parents , and the disease gene before, one if there are
four children, two of which will not only not the disease, is not
susceptible to malaria. 就在不久前,在美國即使只遺傳到一個鐮狀血球基因的人,也會受到歧視。 Not long ago, in the United States even if only to a
genetic sickle gene in human blood, will be discriminated against.
由此看來,基因已經超越人類社會的期望,它們不斷演化、多樣化,適應各種不同的環境。 From this, Gene has gone beyond the expectations of human
society, they are evolving, diversity, adapt to different environments.
事自己的實驗,他用燒瓶做了個密閉環境,讓兩種大腸桿菌共處一室,其中一種大腸桿菌,吸收營養的能力極強,另一種則較弱。 Scholars also the laboratory, observed the importance of
diversification, on the Darwin school's "natural selection, said," has
always been doubts about the Osaka University Institute of Philosophy,
Professor Yomo home, set in their own experiments, he made a closed
flask environment for the two kinds of E. coli in a room, and one of E.
coli, strong ability to absorb nutrients, and the other was relatively
weak. Yomo哲家教授解釋,在連續培養的環境中培養大腸桿菌,研
桿菌加以計算,便可追蹤燒瓶內的變化,反覆實驗了好幾次,能力弱的大腸桿菌,還是存活了下來。 Yomo Philosophy and professors explained that in an
environment of continuous culture of E. coli culture, study its
evolutionary process, it can be thought of as a small pond, the pond
into the various E. coli so that they compete with each other, take out a
tube flask , E. coli from the pipe end of the drip, drip of the E. coli
collection to be calculated, the changes can be tracked within the
flask, several times repeated experiments, weak capacity of E. coli, or
survived. Yomo哲家教授發現,即使在競爭激烈的環境中,基因的多樣性也不會喪失,研究發現兩、三種大腸桿菌,可以存活共處一處,競
爭的同時還能共存,基因自有它的對策,能讓強者和弱者和平共存,而共存的結果便是多樣化。 Yomo Philosophy and professors found that, even in the
highly competitive environment, genetic diversity is not lost, the study
found two-, three kinds of E. coli, can survive a coexistence,
competition can co-exist at the same time, gene own reasons Strategy ,
allow the peaceful coexistence of the strong and weak, while the
co-existence is the result of diversification. 身為科學家,且深受不明疾病所苦的柳澤敬子,相信讓人類受盡折磨的疾病和殘缺,正是人類基因總和的基因庫,多樣化的明證。
As a scientist, and deeply bitter Liu Zejing
disease of unknown child, believed tortured to human diseases and
defects, it is the sum of the gene pool of human genes, a variety of
proof. 人類有個基因庫,它包括了人類所有的基因,基因庫發生突變
時,就表示人類的基因,正設法藉由多樣化,適應環境,適應這個地球,基因多樣化就一定會衍生疾病,這是無法避免的。 Human beings have a gene pool, which includes all human
genes, genetic mutation depot, says that human genes, and are seeking
through Duoyang Hua, adapt, adapt to this Earth, genetic diversity will
certainly rise to disease, which is inevitable. 我們可以說讓人生病,或對個人有害的基因,是壞的基因,但就全體人類而言,並沒有所謂有害的基因,這是不可能的,如果有個基
We can say that people are sick, or personal
harmful genes, bad genes, but to all humans, and there is no harmful
gene, which is impossible, if genes are considered "harmful" , it is
because our society is not good, but not the gene itself, because the
gene was originally like this, they are certain extent, will bring the
disease, so there will be a certain proportion of newborns with severe
congenital of defects, a certain proportion of people born with physical
disabilities, yet the whole community a helping hand, society must
think about this question, this is not a personal problem.
我們必須竭盡所能,對他們伸出援手。 There will always be
a certain percentage of people who have a congenital disability, if a
man to have incomplete, and happened to that person is not you and I, on
behalf of us it is because he, shouldered the burden, so we must do all
we can to them lend a helping hand.
能全然達成目標,日後我們的子孫回顧起來,都會覺得我們確實盡力了。 Have a
strong sense of mission Liu Zejing child, want to own experience and
knowledge have made special contributions to mankind, we should not
impede, the progress of scientific research, even if we did not
completely reach a goal, the future of our children and grandchildren in
retrospect, will feel that we do best. 界定基因科技和研究的底線,這些都是和我們息息相關的議題,我們應該深思,決策時更加謹慎,這個問題不是未來才會浮現,我們
必須明白這一點,並且盡我們最大的努力。 Jie Ding gene
technology and study the bottom line, these are closely linked, and our
subject, we must ponder, decision-making more Jinshen, this问题not in the
future will emerge, we must understand this and do our best.
的基因。 6 months after
screening,凯莉迪瑞米guyot that she suffered from chorea with genes.
症癥狀的老鼠,由於這項突破,醫學界可望瞭解此基因如何破壞神經細胞。 Japan
has already started studying medical treatment of chorea way, Niigata
University, researchers disease genes into mice, successfully bred the
world's only, there's disease symptoms similar to mice, a result of this
breakthrough, the medical profession understand how this gene is
expected to destroy nerve cells. 新瀉大學腦研究學院迕莊次博士說明,現在有一隻老鼠實驗模型,在它身上準確地複製舞蹈症的一切症狀,預料我們很快可以得知,
它的腦內究竟有哪些變化,接著我們便可著手研究療法。 Niigata
University Brain Research Institute, Dr. Wu Shoji note, there is now a
mouse experimental model, in which the body's disease accurately
reproduce all the symptoms, you can expect we will soon learn what it
actually changes the brain, then we of treatment can be started.
以瞭解它的致病機制並可望治癒它。 Huntington's disease
is caused by mutations, by manipulating the genes, we can understand its
pathogenesis and is expected to cure it. 由不同的基因庫,殖入一個基因,人類可望以自己的基因,改寫命運,它的力量將主宰21世紀子子孫孫的生活。
By a different gene pool, cloned into a gene, human
genes is expected to own, rewrite the fate of its power will dominate
the 21st century, children and grandchildren's lives.
(原翻者:王瓊淑;公視研發部整理 (Original
translation by: Wang Qiongshu; public order, as the R & D
) ) |