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第 一集生命解碼-人體的藍圖 Episode Decoding Life - the body's blueprint
第 二集破癌解謎-組織嚴密的疾病 Episode breaking cancer puzzle - organized disease
第 三集追尋人的根源-人類藍圖 Episode trace the source of people - the human blueprint
第 四集生命時鐘之謎-老化死亡的計畫 Traynor clock mystery of life - death plan for aging
第 五集打開潛力之鎖-人類思想的藍圖 Episode potential to open the lock - a blueprint for human thought
第 六集打開潘朵拉的盒子 Di Liuji opening a Pandora's box

人類染色體組打開潛力之鎖-人類思想的藍圖 Potential human genome opens the lock - a blueprint for human thought
神 經元DNA NeuronsDNA 多 巴胺血 清素運送體第 十七對染色體 dopamineserotonin transport body17th chromosome

每年八月從美 國各地,有一千五百對雙胞胎,齊聚俄亥俄孿生堡,為什麼同卵雙胞胎那麼的像? In August from a year throughout the United States, there are 1,500 pairs of twins, twin gathered in Fort Ohio, why it's like identical twins? 祕密就在基因 裏。 The secret lies in the genes. 細胞分裂時, 基因形成染色體。 Cell division, the genes form a chromosome. 同卵雙胞是由 一個卵子分裂為二,基本上所有的基因完全一樣,所以他們長得一模一樣。 Monozygotic twins is split into two by an egg, basically all the same genes, so they look exactly the same.

基因對我們有很大的影響力,有一對雙胞可以示範這種靈犀相 通。 Gene we have a great influence, there is a pair of twins can demonstrate that consonance connected. 拉斯和賈斯柏萊平是同卵雙胞,現年22歲,他們在韓國出生五個月後,被一個丹麥家庭領養,他們在富足的家庭,受丹麥式的扶 養,受丹麥文化薰陶,吃丹麥菜,講丹麥話,他們和丹麥養父母,對他們的韓國家庭一無所知,但是三年前突如其來地從韓國寄來一封信,萊氏兄弟得知他們還有一 個,同卵的孿生小弟。 Russ and Jiasibolai level is monozygotic twins, aged 22 years, five months after they were born in Korea, adopted by a Danish family in their rich family, by the Denmark-based maintenance, smoked by the Danish culture Tao, eat Danish food, speak Danish, they and Danish parents, their families knew nothing about Korea, but suddenly three years ago, sent a letter from South Korea, Levin brothers know they have one, monozygotic twin younger brother.

萊氏兄弟個別 去過韓國,這回是頭一次聯袂赴韓,韓國這家人到機場迎接,三兄弟頭一次團聚,雖然成長的環境不同,飲食習慣不一樣,22年之後三兄弟的體重身高完全一樣, 兩個從丹麥來的兄弟跟Jae Man逛漢城,他倆本該長在這裏,卻跟在韓國的兄弟失散,跑到丹麥成長,但是三個人有一樣的基因。 Levin's brother visited South Korea to individual, so this is the first time Joining Fu Han, South Korea, the family at the airport, three brothers reunite the first time, although the growth in different environments, different eating habits, 22 years after the full height of three brothers weight Like the two brothers came from Denmark with Jae Man shopping in Seoul, They present the long here, but with the brothers separated in Korea, went to the Danish growth, but the three have the same genes. 他們在這個一模一樣的弟弟身上發現什麼? They found this same brother, what?

這一趟韓國 行,丹麥來的兩兄弟亟欲練合氣道,也就是韓國的武術,巧的是他們在丹麥也是從小就練武,他們想親身體驗自己祖國的功夫,三兄弟不但長得一模一樣,動作也是 如出一轍,那麼個性又如何呢? This trip to Korea Bank, Denmark's two brothers desperately wants to practice Aikido, which is Korea's martial arts, coincidentally, also in Denmark, martial arts since childhood, they want to experience the skills of their motherland, the three brothers not only looks exactly the same action is exactly the same, then the character then?

神經元 (Neuron) Neuron (Neuron)
我們的個性在 腦子裏形成,腦細胞又叫作神經元,有枝狀的神經纖維,有140億神經元,在腦內形成複雜的網路,神經纖維攜帶訊息,從神經元延展出來,腦活動時有電脈衝, 經過叫軸突(Axon)的神經纖維傳送,神經傳遞物質從軸突尖上釋放出來,把訊息傳給另一個細胞,細胞之間有個小空間,稱之為突觸(Synapse),突 觸傳遞訊息的方式因人稍異,這種差異對人的個性,影響很大。 Our personality formation in the brain, brain cells called neurons they have branched nerve fibers, there are 14 billion neurons in the brain form a complex network of nerve fibers carrying message extend out from the neurons, brain activities, an electric pulse through the axon called (Axon) transmission of nerve fibers, neurotransmitters released from the axon tip, the message to another cell, there is little space between cells, called synapses (Synapse), synaptic transmission from person to person the way the message was slightly different, the difference of the human personality, a great impact.

跟所有的細胞一樣,腦細胞也有基因或DNA,將近六百億對字母,是由四個字母,形成所謂的DNA生命藍 圖。 Like all cells, brain cells have genes or DNA, nearly 60 billion pairs of letters, is composed of four letters, forming the so-called DNA the blueprint for life. 最近證實基因 的字母序,只要有些微的改變,就能改變神經傳遞物質的傳遞方式。 Recently shown that gene sequence of letters, as long as some slight changes, you can change the transfer mode neurotransmitters. 愛新鮮是因為受新事物吸引,追求冒險大多數人時常會好奇,最近發現一種基因跟追求新奇有關。 Love fresh as attracted by new things, the pursuit of adventure that most people often wonder, with the recent discovery of a gene related to the pursuit of novelty. 有關基因與追求新奇的發現是在三年前發佈,以色列耶路撒冷的李察易卜斯坦博士,是耶城的分子生物學家, 他對127個以色列人作心理測驗,這群人對新奇危險的事趨之若鶩,他們同時也尋找基因上共有的相似性,結果發現在基因的某處,字母序列因人而異尋奇慾望的 強弱,也看字母序列而定。 The pursuit of novel gene and found to be released three years ago, the Israeli Jerusalem Dr. Richard Yi Busi Tan is the Jerusalem of molecular biologists, he 127 Israelis for psychological testing, new risk group of people rush things, they also look for shared genetic similarity, was found in the genes somewhere, the letter sequence varies the strength of the desire to find odd, is also determined to see the letter sequence.

李察易卜斯 坦博士驚訝地發現,擁有七個或更長的對偶基因(Allele)的人,追求新的企圖心愈高,顯然接收器的大小不同、長度不一,都有些微的心理影響,所以他認 為基因就是這樣導致行為改變。 Dr. Richard Bosi Tan Yi surprised to find that, with seven or more alleles (Allele) people, the pursuit of new ambitions higher, the size of the receiver is clearly different, different lengths, the psychological effects are minor He believes that this has led to behavior change gene.

易卜斯坦博士 研究位於,第十一對染色體上的基因,這一頁的基因有一段48組字母序,這基因屬於一個人,同樣的字母序重複8次,字母序的重複,從一到八次不等,根據易卜 斯坦博士的說法當重複次數愈多,而基因長度愈長時,探索新奇事務的慾望就愈強。 PhD in Busi Tan Yi, the 11th of genes on chromosomes, genes of this page there is a sequence of 48 group of letters, this gene belongs to a person, the same sequence repeated eight times the letter, the letter sequence of the repeat, from 1-8 ranges, according to Dr. Yi Bo Sitan repetition more to say when, and gene length is longer, the desire to explore new services the stronger.

賽門的DNA字母序重複7次,他在耶路撒冷一家電腦公司上班,大專畢業後畢業工作有20年,換過超過六 個工作,有的是改行,從經濟到電腦什麼都做過,他大部份時間都花在新工作上,一共搬過七次家,在一個地方住熟了他又想搬家,他也喜歡新事物,一有新電腦問 市就馬上買,在最近般入的新房子裏就組了三部新電腦。 Simon's DNA sequence repeated seven times the letter, a computer company in his Jerusalem office, college graduates work after graduation for 20 years, more than six who changed his work, some are diverted from the economy to the computer everything done most of his time is spent on new work, a total of seven times among four families, living in a place he wanted to move mature, he likes new things, asked the city for a new computer to buy soon, like in the recent entry of new house the group of three new computer.

米海尤里許 今年26歲,就讀於耶路撒冷大學醫科,他也有擁有長的基因,字母序重複7次。 Mihai You Li Xu, 26, studying medicine at the University of Jerusalem, he also has a long gene, the letter sequence repeated seven times. 他通過競爭劇 烈地入學考試進入俄羅斯大學,然而拿到最高學分之後,他自動退學回到以色列唸法律,剛唸完一年法律,他又轉醫學院。 Through a highly competitive entrance examinations to enter the Russian universities, but to get the maximum credit, he automatically drop back to Israel for law, the law has just finished a year, he transferred College of Medicine.

多巴胺 (Dopamine)第4型接收器 Dopamine (Dopamine) No. 4 receivers
多種的神經傳 遞物質,從突觸釋出,如同腦神經元的接觸點,信號就此傳出去。 Variety of neurotransmitters from synaptic release, as the neurons of the contact point, the signal spread out on this. 有些接收器排列在突觸另一邊,接收神經傳遞物質物質,神經傳遞物質連上接收器時,有個指令下達另一個細 胞,一種神經傳遞物質叫做多巴胺(Dopamine)跟接收器結合,多巴胺一結合上接收器,就有指令傳送出。 Some receivers arranged in synapses on the other side, to receive neurotransmitter substances, neurotransmitters with the receiver, has a directive issued another cell, a neurotransmitter called dopamine (Dopamine) combined with the receiver, a combination of dopamine the receiver, there is instruction sent out.

多巴胺與第4 型接收器結合的時候,鑰匙孔便顯現,然後有一群蛋白質,接上鑰匙孔而收到指令,這指令是要興奮的細胞冷靜下來,接到指令的蛋白質群,會尋找那些使細胞興奮 的蛋白質,命令它們冷靜。 And type 4 dopamine receptor binding when the keyhole will appear, and then a group of proteins, connected to the key hole and receive instructions, this instruction is to calm down the excited cells, the protein group received instruction, will find that excited the cell proteins, command them to cool. 多巴胺第4型 接收器是安撫興奮的神經元,不過產生第4型接收器的基因如果很長,隱藏鑰匙孔的部位也長。 Dopamine No. 4 receiver is calm excited neurons, but produces type 4 gene, if the receiver is long, the site is also hidden keyhole long.

易卜斯坦博 士是第一位指出基因可能影響個性的研究者,確定這項理論的實驗,正在世界各地進行著。 Dr. Yi Busi Tan is the first gene that may affect individual researchers, to determine the theoretical experiment, is significantly around the world. 日本岐阜大學 助理教授村山美保,用狗來實驗基因與求新,究竟有沒有關係,她化驗柴劍犬和黃金拾獚(Golden retriever)兩種狗,柴劍犬立刻跟陌生狗熱絡,拾獚犬卻興趣缺缺。 Assistant Professor, Gifu University, Japan, Miho Murayama, using dogs to experimental gene and novelty, is there any relationship between the dog and her laboratory Cai Jian Huang picked up gold (Golden retriever) two dogs, wood sword with the strange dog dog warm at once, pick up Huang dogs are permitted. 村山美保採下 兩狗的血樣,化驗基因的差異,跟人一樣拾獚犬和柴劍犬,都有多巴胺第4型接收器,兩種狗產生多巴胺第4型接收器的基因有明顯的差異,拾獚犬產生多巴胺第4 型接收器的基因,雖然字母排列,跟人類的不一樣,仍然有重複的字母序。 Murayama Miho collected blood samples under the two dogs, testing of the gene difference, like people, dogs and Cai Jian Huang pick dogs have dopamine No. 4 receiver, two dogs produce dopamine type 4 receivers have significant differences in the genes , pick up Huang dogs dopamine-producing type 4 receiver genes, although the alphabet, not the same as with humans, there are still repeating sequence of letters. 村山美保發現,柴劍犬的基因排序比拾獚犬的多了12個字母,這表示狗類也是基因愈長,求新的欲望更強 烈。 Murayama Miho found that Cai Jian dog gene sequencing more than the dogs picked up Huang 12 letters, which means that the longer the dog is also a gene, a stronger desire to innovate.

最近的研究 發現多長序列的巴胺第4型接收器基因,在日本人裏很罕見,不過村山美保研究發現,一個有長基因的日本人古賀直行今年34歲,基因6次重複,他是花式跳傘教 練,除了惡劣的天氣,他每天都要飛行,有時候一天要飛6次,直行說只要一跳出飛機,就覺得自由自在,直行以前是電器推銷員,自從十年前他接觸花式跳傘後, 立刻辭職,他自己選擇的職業的確發揮了DNA的潛力。 Recent studies have found that long sequences of dopamine type 4 receivers gene, in Japanese, in very rare, but Murayama Miho study found that a long gene of Japanese Koga straight, 34, Gene 6 times repeated that he was fancy skydiving instructor, in addition to bad weather, his flight every day, sometimes 6 times a day to fly, straight out of that as long as an aircraft, feel free, go straight past the electrical salesman, since ten years ago he contacted Fancy bailed out, immediately resigned his chosen career does play a DNA potential.

除了求新,還 有其他性格受基因的影響。 In addition to novelty, there are other characters by genes. 約翰曼恩是 精神醫師,他帶領一組人專門分析鬧自殺者的腦,他們化驗與血清素(Serotonin),有關的基因是一種與多巴胺,類似的神經傳遞物質,這種基因產生叫 作血清素運送體。 Yuehanmanen is the spirit of the physician, he led a group of people who specialized analysis of the brain attempt at suicide, they test and serotonin (Serotonin), the gene is a kind and dopamine, neurotransmitters like substance called the gene produces serum Su transport body. 一再鬧自殺者腦中的,血清素運送體數量極少,證據顯示自殺行為,至少一部份得自遺傳,假如這種冒險可能 遺傳,必定是由生物機制引發,焦慮與基因的血清素運送體不正常有關。 A brain of suicide victims comes again, very few serotonin transport body, evidence of suicidal behavior, at least in part derived from genetic, if that risk may be genetic, must be caused by biological mechanisms, anxiety and serotonin gene delivery body not normal.

血清 素運送體 Serotonin transport body

血清運送體 這種蛋白質,由第十七對染色體的基因產生,血清素運送體在突觸上,當回收血清素的關口。 This body in serum transport protein gene from the 17th chromosome generation, transportation of serotonin in the synapses on the body, when the recovery of serotonin mark. 血清素是一種神經傳遞物質,跟多巴胺一樣。 Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, as with dopamine. 血清素從突觸 釋放時,就有傳遞出信號,經由血清素運送體回到原來細胞。 Release of serotonin from the synapse, the signal had passed through the body of serotonin transported back to the original cell. 一再鬧自殺者的血清素運送體,數量相當地少,以致不能回收血清素,這結果是更減少在突觸所釋放的血清 素。 A suicide comes again serotonin transport bodies, much fewer than the number of so serotonin can not be recycled, this result is even more reducing the synaptic release of serotonin. 人腦的血清素 系統起變化時,對行為個性會有什麼影響? The brain serotonin system from the changes, what impact on individual behavior?

12歲的克雷 柯能,每個月要到加州大學洛杉磯醫學中心看精神醫師,克雷不斷地焦慮,嫌自己的手髒,畢森提尼教授的療法是用油膩物塗在克雷的手上,儘管他很不舒服,也要 忍受十分鐘,經由這治療,畢森提尼教授要克雷控制自己的焦慮,克雷可以忍受,但事後他洗手洗了半個鐘頭,因為克雷患了強迫症(Obsessive compulsive disorder)。 12-year-old Ke Leike to a month to go to the University of California Los Angeles Medical Center to see psychiatrists, Clay constantly anxious, my hands too dirty, the therapy is completed, Professor Sen Tini material coated with a greasy Clay's hand, although he is very comfortable, but also endured 10 minutes, by this treatment, Professor Sen Tini complete control of their anxiety to Clay, Clay can tolerate it, but after half an hour washing his hands, as Clay suffering from OCD (Obsessive compulsive disorder). 即使在家他也 很難,控制他的焦慮,有時候他母親做油膩的菜,希望克雷能適應油膩,有一天吃晚飯時克雷大發脾氣,因為他父親用油膩的手抓起電視遙控器,有時候克雷按捺不 住焦慮而大發雷霆。 Even at home he is difficult to control his anxiety, and sometimes his mother to do the greasy food, greasy hope Clay can meet some day dinner Clay rage, because his father's hand grab remote control with oily Sometimes, anxiety and furious Cray hold back any longer.

克雷的腦子是怎麼啦? Clay's mind is how you? 嚴重的焦慮症 患者,從額葉(Frontal lobe)到下視丘(Hypothalamus)的神經迴路運行得太強,由焦慮激發的迴路,向人腦提出警訊。 Severe anxiety disorder, from the frontal cortex (Frontal lobe) to the hypothalamus (Hypothalamus) of the neural circuits running too strong, inspired by the anxiety circuit, and warnings to the human brain. 強迫症有一種 生物成份和一種環境成份,許多強迫性神經病患的生物成份,是神經傳遞物質裏的血清素成份不平衡,血清素跟生物及人體活動上,許多的常規相關,比方說在腦的 某一區,跟擔憂有關聯,似乎是血清素不平衡,這也許跟憂慮恐懼有關,困擾著這群年青人。 Obsessive-compulsive disorder has a biological component and an environmental component, and many patients forced neural biological components, the material inside the neurotransmitter imbalance in serotonin content, serotonin with the biological and human activities on many of the conventional correlation, for example, that in the brain a certain area, associated with fear, seems to be an imbalance of serotonin, which may fear with anxiety related to these troubled young people.

血清素在腦中 運作,不足時會怎樣? Operation of serotonin in the brain, is low what happens? 日本獨協大 學的植田修一教授,用大白鼠實驗血清素的效果,大白鼠天性不喜歡別的大白鼠或是小白鼠侵入自己的地盤或鼠窩,但是嗅過覺得安全之後,牠就不在乎那隻小白鼠 了。 Dokkyo University, Japan Professor Tian Xiuyi plants, experiment with rats the effect of serotonin, rats, or rats by nature do not like the other mice, or mice invade their nest site, but after the smell had felt safe, it does not care Nazhi mice had. 植田教授的研 究小組用一種藥物破壞腦中,釋放血清素的神經,兩週後他們又在盒型鼠窩,放進另一隻小白鼠,由於釋放血清素的神經損壞,大白鼠被激怒而展開攻擊,而後植田 教授植入釋放血清素的神經,替換損壞的神經,手術後一個月,大白鼠頭上的傷痕痊癒,又放一隻小白鼠進去,這隻大白鼠的焦慮完全消失了,牠又恢復平靜,研究 顯示血清素可以抒解焦慮。 Ueda's research team used a drug brain damage, the release of serotonin in the nerve, two weeks after they nest in the box-type mice, into another mouse, because the release of serotonin nerve damage, rats were provocation to attack, and then plant the release of Professor Tien serotonin neural implants to replace damaged nerve, one month after surgery, rats head wounds heal, then put into a mouse, only the anxiety of rats completely disappeared, it Also calm, studies show that serotonin can alleviate your anxiety.

眾所周知, 基因也會影響性格,譬如是否很容易有焦慮感。 Is well known, genes may affect the character, for example, was it likely to have anxiety. 國家健康研究 所的漢默博士宣佈一項研究,有某種基因的人,有常常焦慮的傾向,在研究焦慮擔憂過程中,發現一種基因,有點像天然抗憂鬱劑,使人歡喜樂觀,使另一些人更擔 憂悲傷、沮喪等等。 Hanmoboshi National Institutes of Health announced a study of people who have a gene, there is often a tendency to anxiety, anxiety and concern in the research process, discovered a gene, a bit like a natural antidepressant, make people happy optimism, so that Others are more worried about sadness, frustration and so on. 基因跟人類許 多行為有關,影響感覺和想法、悠關與人的互動、飲食習慣、影響交友談戀愛選擇對象。 Many genes with human behavior, affect feelings and ideas, swim and human interaction, eating habits, influence friends love select objects.

第十 七對染色體 The 17th chromosome
如同漢默博士 預期,基因影響焦慮是在第十七對染色體,血清素運送體的層次,紅色的是產生血清素、運送體的DNA,這個基因的前面有一部份是調整基因活性,這一段激發活 化基因可長可短因人而異,根據研究,較短型所產生的血清素運送體數量,是較長型的十分之一,假如血清素運送體少,血清素再循環利用就不順暢;假如血清素回 收量小,突觸上的血清素量就少,結果會導致個性謹慎敏感,這項結果吸引了研究者的注意,認為可能是性格差異的可能線索。 As Hanmoboshi expected, genes that influence anxiety in the 17th chromosome, the level of serotonin transport body, the red is to produce serotonin, transporting body DNA, the gene is to adjust the front part of the gene activity, this section stimulate activation of genes may be longer or shorter vary, according to studies, short-based delivery of serotonin produced by the body, which is now one-tenth of a longer type, if the small body of serotonin transport, recycling of serotonin is not smooth; if serotonin reuptake a small amount of synaptic serotonin on the amount of the less sensitive the results will lead to the cautious, the results have attracted the attention of researchers that personality differences may be clues.

根據漢默博士 的研究,有67.7%的美國人,至少有一個基因,使他們容易敏感緊張。 According to Hanmoboshi the study, 67.7% of Americans, at least one gene, so that they easily sensitive to tension.

慶應大學的小野寬教授對173名日本人作同樣的研究,結果 98.3%有促使他們敏感謹慎的基因,由於多數日本人有這種基因,小野教授認為這是決定日本民族性的要素。 Keio University Professor Ono width 173 for the same Japanese study, 98.3% of the results have prompted them to care sensitive genes, because most Japanese have the gene, Professor Ono is Japan's national character of the elements of the decision.

為什麼決定性格的基因,會因國家而異? Why did you decide character of the gene, will vary from country to country? 回顧歷史,人 類曾經歷各種環境的變遷,起初人類被猛獸獵食,後來演變成人類獵食野獸;農牧時代的人控制其他生物;工業時代的人製造物品;現代人在資訊導向的社會裏操作 資訊。 Looking back on history, mankind has undergone various changes in the environment, first humans were hunting wild beasts, and later evolving from hunting wild animals; pastoral people who control other biological age; the industrial age who manufacture goods; modern information-oriented society in operation information. 狩獵時代的 人,必須更有侵略性、更好奇、更有活力才能生存,換句話說,人類經歷不同的環境,養成多種的性格,在一個游牧時代的人,為了生存得探索未知的地域,影響求 新個性的基因,一定得強力表現,跟著來的農業時代影響堅忍性格,或沉穩氣質的基因,匯集了伴隨專注而來的成就,多種性格的基因,孕育在漫長的人類史上的確 有其價值。 Hunting times, must be more aggressive, more curious, more dynamic to survive, in other words, human beings experience a different environment, to develop a variety of character, in an era of nomadic people, in order to survive was to explore unknown regions, genes affect the novelty character, must have strong performance of the agricultural era to follow to effect enduring character, or the calm temperament of the genes from a collection with focus on the achievements of a variety of personality genes, nurtured in the long human history does have its value.

這表示人的性格,完全由基因決定嗎? This means that the person's character is entirely determined by genes it? 拉斯和賈斯柏 還有他們的小弟李澤孟(音譯),他們三個長得一模一樣個性上相似到什麼程度? Russ and Jasper have their little brother Lize Meng (transliteration), three of them look exactly the same personality similar to what extent? 小野博士的公 司驗正他們的個性,這是一種性向測驗,問受測人要回答在某種情況下,會採取什麼行為,老么Jae Man好奇外向,但是不很謹慎,老大拉斯的個性,他們雖然在不同的環境長大,個性卻很相似,不過再拿來跟老二賈斯柏比較時,他的安全謹慎性向,比另外兩個 強。 Dr. Ono's company experience is their personality, which is a aptitude test, the subjects were asked to answer in some cases, what actions will be taken, youngest Jae Man curiosity outward, but not very careful, boss Russ personality Although they grew up in a different environment, very similar personality, but then be used to compare with her second child Jasper, his aptitude safe care, stronger than the other two. 奇怪的是分 離20年的兄弟個性相似,而在一起長大的兩個,個性卻不同,不同的國家文化,不同的朋友影響,在家庭和社會上的地位等等,都會影響基因功能。 The strange thing is the brother of 20-year separation of similar character, but the two grew up together, personality is different, different countries, cultures, different friends, and in the family and social status, etc., will affect the gene function.

有一對同卵 雙胞胎,在同一個環境成長,卻過著完全不同的生活。 A pair of identical twins grow up in the same environment, they live completely different lives. 近藤惠美今年 23歲,在美國的大電腦公司上班,她為那些大公司設計電腦系統,跟客戶敲定電腦機型、軟體內容之後建立系統,她覺得這工作完全符合她的個性。 Megumi Kondo 23-year-old, large computer company in the United States to work, she designed for those large computer systems, computer models with the client to finalize the software system is set up after the content, she felt it fully in line with her personality. 惠美的雙胞姊 妹久美另有看法,久美從五歲起學大提琴,目前上音樂學院,她希望成為職業音樂家,還有一個月就要畢業,正在計劃第一場演奏會,做為踏出音樂生涯的第一步。 Megumi's twin sister for a long time the United States have a different view, for a long time since the United States learn the cello from the year-old is currently on the Music Academy, she hopes to become professional musicians, there would have graduated in a month, is planning the first concert, as a step music the first step in his career. 她姐姐惠美 兩年來頭一次從美國回來,她們看到對方完全變了一個人。 Her sister Emi first time in two years came back from the United States, they see each other completely a changed man. 因為父親奉派出國,惠美和久美在美國出生,唸三年級時回日本上同一所學校,惠美唸高中時不顧父母反對, 轉到美國唸高中,惠美無論做什麼都要求完美,在日本沒有什麼朋友;相反地久美很得人緣,朋友很多,這時候她兩的個性,已經大不相同,怎麼會有不同的發展? Because his father was sent abroad, Emi, and long the U.S. born in the U.S., read third grade back to Japan on the same school, Emi in high school despite their parents objections, to the United States in high school, Emi whatever is done, a perfectionist, in Japan, no Friends; the contrary for a long time it was popular with the U.S., friends, and this time she was two personalities, are very different, how would there be different levels of development?

一個神經元可 以有十萬突觸,人的性格是由突觸上的,神經傳遞物質交換而形成,但是基因並非,決定突觸的所有功能。 A neuron can have thousands of synapses, the human character is formed by synapses, and the exchange and the formation of neurotransmitters, but the gene does not determine all the features of synapses. 最近一項研究 證實,突觸的功能確實隨環境的刺激而改變,即使是基因序號相同的雙胞胎也不例外。 A recent study confirmed that the functions of synaptic stimulation with the environment does change, even if the number is genetically identical twins are no exception. 史沃波達博士是腦神經專家,分析環境對腦的刺激,他取出大白鼠腦神經元,用弱電流刺激,結果長出小刺, 外界的刺激改變基因活動,產生新的迴路,神經網路有能力因應外界的刺激而改變。 Dr. Shiwoboda brain expert analysis of environmental stimulation on the brain, he took out rat neurons, with a weak electrical stimulation, the results grow small spines outside stimuli to change the gene activity, new circuit, neural network road capacity in response to external stimulation and change. 許多項研究顯 示外界的刺激,也能決定神經元的結構,不只是來自遺傳,因為除了細胞核裏的遺傳訊息,用外來的刺激也會改變神經元的結構。 Many studies show that external stimuli can also determine the structure of neurons, not just from genetics, because in addition to the nucleus where the genetic message of change with external stimuli also the structure of neurons.

即使同卵雙胞 有完全相同的遺傳序,基因的活動也會隨著環境的些微差異以及反應這些變化而改變,研究員認為這些改變與性格差異有關聯,人看到東西,聽到聲音,或是專注某 一事,腦裏會產生微量的磁力,磁波腦X光攝影,量得出些微的磁波。 Even monozygotic twins have identical genetic sequence, gene activity will be minor differences, as well as the environment changes in response to these changes, researchers believe that these changes are associated with differences in personality, people see things, hear voices, or focus on certain things, my brain will generate a tiny magnetic, magnetic brain X-ray photography, draw a slight amount of magnetic wave. 人放鬆時腦內 產生α波,久美和惠美腦內產生α波最強的部位正好相反,基因有能力改變功能來適應不同的遭遇,諸如受學校居家教育的不同,以及家庭地位、個人期望等,各方 面的差異隨著個性的發展,基因展現它的能力,但是基因也有,隨外在刺激改變的能力,我們把遠古遺傳下來的基因,發揮到極致,人類有在發展個性,促進生活方 面,有無限的可能,得天獨厚。 Were relaxed in the brain of α wave, long the United States and Emi brain waves produced the strongest parts of α contrary, the ability to change the function of genes to adapt to different experiences, such as home education by schools in different, and family status, personal expectations, With all the difference in personality development, gene demonstrated its ability, but also genes, the ability to change with external stimuli, we have inherited ancient genes to the limit, there is in the development of human personality, the promotion of life, has endless possibilities, unique.

(原翻者:姜金龍;公視研發部整理 (Original translation by: Jiang Jinlong; public order, as the R & D)

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