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第 一集生命解碼-人體的藍圖 Episode Decoding Life - the body's blueprint
第 二集破癌解謎-組織嚴密的疾病 Episode breaking cancer puzzle - organized disease
第 三集追尋人的根源-人類藍圖 Episode trace the source of people - the human blueprint
第 四集生命時鐘之謎-老化死亡的計畫 Traynor clock mystery of life - death plan for aging
第 五集打開潛力之鎖-人類思想的藍圖 Episode potential to open the lock - a blueprint for human thought
第 六集打開潘朵拉的盒子 Di Liuji opening a Pandora's box

追尋人的根源-人類藍圖 Trace the source of people - the human blueprint
尋 根冰 凍人線 粒體DNA尼 安德塔人、北京人、爪哇人 Rootfrozen humanmitochondrial DNANeanderthal man, Peking Man, Javanese

北海道旭川的嘉納大木是演奏家,擅長彈阿伊努人的樂器(Tonkori),他24歲那年得知自己是半個 阿伊努人後裔,現在他選擇了阿伊努人的生活方式。 Hokkaido Asahikawa of Kano large wooden a performer, good bomb Ainu instrument (Tonkori), he was 24 years old that he is half-Ainu descent, and now he has chosen the Ainu way of life. 阿伊努人乃 是日本北海道土生土長的族群,自有獨特的語言文化傳統,最新的DNA研究顯示這個族,握有日本人尋根的關鍵。 But native Ainu in Hokkaido, Japan's population, its own unique language and cultural traditions, the latest DNA research shows that family, holds the key to the Japanese roots.

尋根 Roots
解讀DNA這個人類的藍圖,如今已經推翻既有的日本人尋根觀念,換句話說,尋根就是追蹤身分,似乎是我們每個人感興趣的事, 想知道自己的祖先,從何時何地而來,今天要從另一方面看DNA,而不談基因如何建構身體,現在可以從分析DNA來為人類尋根。 Interpretation of the human DNA blueprint has now overturned the concept of the existing Japanese roots, in other words, roots that trace identity, seems to be interested in what each of us, want to know their ancestors, when and where they come from, Today, on the other hand from the DNA, rather than talk about how genes build bodies, can now come from analysis of DNA for human roots. 直到最近人類尋根的研究,仍然限於考古人類學,現在前所未有的DNA分析方法,讓人類根源之謎露出曙光。 Until recently, studies of human roots, is still limited to archeology and anthropology, DNA analysis is now an unprecedented way to reveal the mystery of the human causes of dawn.

DNA有雙螺旋結構,含60兆對鹽基(Base),每個細胞有一個細胞核,在細胞核裏有DNA,細胞核周圍可以看到,狹長的 東西活動,這些叫作線粒體。 DNA double-helix structure, with 60 trillion on the base (Base), each cell has a nucleus, the nucleus in a DNA, can be seen around the nucleus, narrow things activities are called mitochondria. 一個細胞裏有幾百個線粒體,製造細胞活動所需的能量,因為環狀的線粒體DNA,遠多過細胞核的DNA,很容易從古代骸骨蒐 集,線粒體的DNA,只有16500個字母,Adenine腺嘌呤、Thymine胸腺嘧啶、Guanine鳥嘌呤、Cytosine胞嘧啶,就像細胞核 的DNA,這些字母乃是四種化學物,如今從研究這字母順序列,可以尋人類的根。 A cell there are hundreds of mitochondria, the energy required for manufacturing cell activity, because the circular mitochondrial DNA, far more than the nucleus of DNA, easily collected from ancient skeletons, mitochondrial DNA, only 16,500 letters, Adenine Adenine , Thymine Thymine, Guanine Guanine, Cytosine Cytosine, as the nucleus of DNA, but the letters of four chemicals, and now listed in alphabetical order from the study, you can find the root of mankind.

由分析線粒 體的DNA,可以發現古代人與現代人的關係。 By the analysis of mitochondrial DNA, can be found in the ancient relationship between man and modern man. 1991年在 阿爾卑斯山,發現冰凍的乾屍,乾屍旁邊有箭鏃斧頭、繩索等器物,這具乾屍有5300歲被稱冰凍人。 1991 in the Alps, the frozen mummy found, mummy next to arrowheads axes, ropes and other objects, which are 5300 years old mummy is called frozen people. 研判這個冰凍 人當時,身披毛皮背負獵具在山上行走,那麼這個冰凍人是誰? Judged that the frozen people at that time, wearing a fur bear hunting in the mountains walking, then the frozen people? 這問題可以用最新的線粒體DNA分析來回答。 This problem can be the latest analysis of mitochondrial DNA to answer.

冰凍 人 Frozen people
牛津大學布萊 安塞克斯教授,拿冰凍人跟現代人比對,發現冰凍人的後裔。 Professor, University of Oxford Bulaiansai Brooks, who took frozen compared with modern and found frozen descent. 在所有的線 粒體DNA序列裏,塞克斯教授特地研究叫D迴線區的綠色區,這序列乃是尋根的線索,因為一旦有突變,就會遺傳給子女,而且限於母系遺傳。 Mitochondrial DNA sequences in all, the Sussex Professor specially called D loop area of the green area, this sequence but roots of the clues, because once a mutation will be transmitted to their children, but limited to maternally inherited. 精蟲頭部是父 親的細胞核DNA,尾部是線粒體DNA,受精後父親的線粒體DNA,因某種原因很快地消失,所以只有母親的線粒體DNA遺傳給下一代,那麼冰凍人的D迴線 區序列,是怎麼傳給現代人? Sperm head is the father of the nuclear DNA, the tail is the mitochondrial DNA, mitochondria after fertilization, the father of DNA, for some reason disappeared quickly, so only the mother's mitochondrial DNA genetic to the next generation, then frozen human D loop sequence is how to pass modern? 塞克斯教授從 乾屍上取得354個字母來研究,冰凍人有一個特殊CCCC的序列,跟別人大不同,他這序列是從母親遺傳,而此序列也由母系一脈相承,傳給現代人,冰凍人除 了CCCC序列,另有一種序列大異現代人,許多現代人有TAGT序列,冰凍人序列卻是TAGC,由T取代了C。 Professor Sykes made mummy 354 letters to study, frozen people have a special CCCC sequence, with other big difference, his mother's genetic sequence is from, and this sequence also by the matrilineal line of succession, pass modern, frozen people in addition to CCCC sequence, there is the sequence of very different people today, and many people today have TAGT sequence, frozen human sequence is TAGC, replaced by the T C. 塞克斯教授拿 這組序列,跟世界各地1253個現代人比對,其中13個跟冰凍人相同,他們都成為冰凍人家族的後裔,瑪莉摩斯里也在其中。 Professor Sykes to take this sequence, with the modern parts of the world than 1253, including 13 people with the same frozen, they become frozen human family, the descendants of 玛莉摩斯里 was among them.

拿瑪莉的序 列跟冰凍人比對,連同冰凍人兩組特殊的序列,所有的字母序列完全相同,瑪莉這個冰凍人的後裔,住在英格蘭多塞特。 Na Mali sequences were compared with frozen, together with two specific sequences of frozen people, all the letters sequence identical to the descendants of Mary, the frozen man, living in England, Dorset. 沿著母系線索 回溯5300年,我們發現冰凍人分析線粒體DNA,能找出一個人的根,也能使遙遙相隔的兩個人,扯上關係。 Back in 5300 along the maternal cues, we found that analysis of frozen human mitochondrial DNA, can identify a person's roots, but also enable distant intervals of two people, something to do.

嘉納大木知 道他的生父是阿伊努人,就去他住的北海道看他。 Kano Oki know that his father is the Ainu people, went to Hokkaido, he lived to see him. 大木的生父沙 澤備木是藝術家,1989年逝世,大木小時候父母離婚,他在東京近郊神奈川長大,不知道自己有一半阿伊努人血統,他念研究所時有一天在圖書館翻到一本書, 上面有他父親的雕刻塑作品,喚起他遺忘的記憶。 Oki's father argos prepare wood artist, died in 1989, large wooden child parents divorced, he grew up in Kanagawa Prefecture near Tokyo, did not know half of Ainu origin, when he was in graduate school in the library one day turn to a This book, above his father's sculpture with plastic works, arouse his forgotten memories. 備木在世時 住在北海道創作力旺盛,擅長雕刻巨木。 Preparation of Wood alive living in Hokkaido, creativity and strong, good at carving giant tree. 作品反映出他 的自然風格和生命力,大木到4歲才離開父親,20年來他頭一次找生父,也探望親屬。 Work reflects his natural style and vitality, large wood to 4-year-old did not leave his father, the first time in 20 years to find his father, also to visit relatives.

阿伊努人自古狩獵維生,民族起源一直是個謎,這個族群是在八世紀時,以阿伊努之名出現日本史冊。 Since ancient times, hunting for a living Ainu, ethnic origin remains a mystery, this group is in the eight century, the name appears to the Ainu of Japan history. 根據史書有些族群,不服從中央政府,在日本東北部的叫蝦夷族(Emishi),在南部的叫熊襲族 (Kumaso),東北部這些地名,是源自阿伊努語,顯示古蝦夷人與阿伊努人有密切的關係,據說中央政府管不住蝦夷人,就派兵去鎮壓,直到江戶時代 (1600-1867)。 According to history books that some ethnic groups do not obey the central government, in northeastern Japan is called Ainu (Emishi), called the bear attack in the southern tribe (Kumaso), northeast of these names are derived from the Ainu language, ancient ainu and is closely related to the Ainu people, said to the central government power over ainu, on sending troops to suppress, until the Edo period (1600-1867). 這個族群在日本最北端的北海道定居,稱為阿伊努人。 The population in Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost settlement, known as the Ainu. 有些研究者甚 至認為,阿伊努人是白種人後裔,因為他們的相貌完全不像日本人。 Some researchers even believe that the Ainu people are Caucasian descent, because of their looks nothing like the Japanese.

線粒體DNA Mitochondrial DNA
神奈川的一所研究院中,寶來佐利教授正在研究線粒體DNA。 Kanagawa Institute of one, the Polaris Suketoshi professor is studying the mitochondrial DNA. 他認為阿伊努人乃是日本人尋根的關鍵,過去倚賴形態學,現在尋根的方法完全不同了,直接研究個別遺傳信息,寶來教授分析線粒 體DNA,那是1960年代從阿伊努人採的血樣。 He believes that the Japanese Ainu roots but the key to the past reliance on morphology, the method is completely different roots, direct study of individual genetic information, Polaris, Professor of mitochondrial DNA, it was in the 1960s taken from the Ainu blood samples. 12000多年前,繩紋族(Jomon)定居日本各島,寶來教授推測這個族,是阿伊努人的始祖。 12,000 years ago, the Jomon family (Jomon) to settle the islands of Japan, Polaris, Professor guess this family is the ancestor of the Ainu. 為了證實這項推測,他從3個不同出土處的乾屍,採線粒體 DNA來分析,他拿現代阿伊努人的線粒體DNA,跟埼玉出土的戶田繩紋人,約六千年前的乾屍比對,發現有些阿伊努人的DNA序列跟繩紋人的一樣,DNA證 實了阿伊努人,與繩紋人的關係。 In order to confirm this speculation, he unearthed from three different office mummy, mining mitochondrial DNA to analyze, he took the modern Ainu of mitochondrial DNA, with the Toda Saitama excavated Jomon people, about 6000 years ago than mummy Yes, found that some DNA sequence with the Ainu people as the Jomon people, DNA confirmed the Ainu, and Jomon people relationship. 這是考古學所不能達到的,現在阿伊努的根已確定,下一步是找繩紋人的根,他認為從阿伊努人的近親族,可以找到線索。 This is the archeology can not be achieved, is the root of the Ainu have been identified, the next step is to find the root of the Jomon people, he considered a close relative from the Ainu tribe, to find clues.

根據最近山愛 丸山廢墟(San-nai Maruyama ruins)挖掘的結果顯示,繩紋人不僅是狩獵民族,樹皮編的籃子,他們創造自己的文化,使大自然和諧,繩紋的技藝比我們想像的更精緻,仍然可以在日本東 北部,看得到繩紋人的工藝,諸如漆器、樹皮編的工藝品,繩紋文化至今仍存於我們的日常生活,繩紋人的精神似乎彰顯在阿伊努人身上,他們多方面運用樹皮,每 次剝樹皮時,都把剩下的樹皮綁在樹上,以免樹神受涼。 According to a recent Hill Love Maruyama ruins (San-nai Maruyama ruins) excavation showed that not only is the hunting Jomon people, bark basket series, they created their own culture, to nature, harmony, Jomon skill than we thought more refined, still in northeastern Japan, Jomon people see the process, such as lacquerware, bark series of arts and crafts, Jomon culture still exists in our daily lives so far, seems to manifest the spirit of the Jomon people in the Ainu men, and they use various bark, peeling bark every time, regarded the remaining bark tied to a tree so the tree god cold.

"Kamui Yukar"這部阿伊努史詩,使我們一窺他們的人生觀,在史詩裏,神、人、動植物三者共同生活,樂於互相作伴,阿伊努人早就相信,人類只是萬物的一分子。 "Kamui Yukar" This Ainu epic, so that we learn about their life, in the epic, God, human, animal and plant three live together, happy with each other companion, the Ainu have long believed that humans are all part.

阿塔卡瑪沙漠 位於南美洲安地斯山麓,有一項調查是從安地斯山找日本人的起源。 Atacama desert foot of the Andes in South America, there is a survey from the Andes to find the origin of the Japanese. 愛滋癌症研究中心田島一夫博士、鹿兒島大學園田敏郎教授和寶來教授是研究小組成員,他們決定來這裏研 究,因為他們認定安地斯人與日本群島住民的祖先有很深的淵源,據說這些祖先跟繩紋人有關係。 AIDS Cancer Research Center, Tajima a Fubo Shi, Kagoshima University, Professor Tian Minlang and Polaris Park Professor of team members, they decided to come here to study, because they believed he died and security to residents of the ancestors of the Japanese archipelago has a long history, it is said These ancestral relationship with the Jomon people. 他們在找基 因,這些乾屍的後裔,應該還住在這裏,祖先在乾屍的骨子裏,留下了基因,幾萬年前有蒙古人種,住在亞洲大陸上,生活區域遠至西伯利亞,大約在1萬2千年 前,白令海峽是陸地,有一群人迅速地向南移,穿過美洲大陸,馬雅和阿茲特克文明,就是蒙古人種所建立。 They are looking for genes, the descendants of these mummy, should also live here, their ancestors in the mummy's bones, leaving the gene, tens of thousands of years ago, Mongoloid, living in the Asian continent, the living area as far away as Siberia, about 10 002 years ago, the Bering Strait is the land, a group of people quickly moved south across the American continent, Mayan and Aztec civilization is built Mongoloid.

印加帝國的馬楚畢諸廢墟,建築在安地斯山巔。 Inca ruins Ma Chu complete all construction in the Andean summit. 透過線粒體DNA的分析,研究小組嚐試找出孕育這個文明的種族,跟繩紋人有多親近。 Mitochondrial DNA analysis by the research team to find out the birth of this civilization and race, with the Jomon people how close. 六千年前的乾屍保存在北方天主教大學,他們是純蒙古人種,從 亞洲移民到此,島田博士和寶來教授先從古代乾屍萃取線粒體DNA,有許多人觸摸過這具乾屍,可能摻雜了別人的DNA,所以他們要從骨髓,抽取線粒體 DNA。 6000 years ago, the mummy kept in the North Catholic University, they are pure Mongoloid, Asian immigrants from this, Professor Bora Island Dr. Tian and start with the ancient mummy extraction of mitochondrial DNA, there are too many people touch it with a mummy, it may Doping someone else's DNA, so they want the bone marrow, extracted mitochondrial DNA.

寶來教授和 其他人接著分析現代安地斯人的DNA。 Bora professors and other people of the modern safety to man was then the DNA. 十五世紀西班牙人侵略安地斯,消滅他們的文明,但是仍有純種蒙古人種的後裔,住在安地斯。 15 century Spanish invasion of the Andes, destroy their civilization, but still pure Mongoloid descent living in the Andes. 庫斯哥鎮從前 是印加帝國的都城,至今仍是安地斯的中心,羅阿帕薩是蓋丘亞人(Kechuan / Qechua)後裔,這個族建立印加帝國,研究人員認為經過亞洲到日本群島的民族,跟移民安地斯的民族關係很密切。 Kusi Ge town used to be the capital of the Inca Empire, is still the center of the Andes, is the Quechua people Luoepasa (Kechuan / Qechua) descent, the family established the Inca empire, the researchers believe that through Asia to the Japanese Islands nation, with the immigration of ethnic relations the Andes is very close.

在寶來教授的 實驗室開始抽取線粒體DNA,比較乾屍鹽基序列的D迴線區,與羅阿帕薩的564個字母序列,同樣的安排持續不斷,這項分顯示乾屍的鹽基序列,完全跟羅阿帕 薩的一樣。 Beginning in the laboratory of Professor Bora extraction of mitochondrial DNA, base sequence of the D compared mummy loop area, and Luoapasa 564 letters sequence, the same arrangement continued, the analysis revealed that the mummy of the base sequence completely the same with Luoapasa. 接著拿羅阿帕薩的DNA,與繩紋人後裔阿努伊人的比對,在564個字母裏,只有兩處不同,世界各地 DNA已分析過的民族中,阿努伊人的最接近羅阿帕薩的DNA,這顯示至少有些移居安地斯的人,跟繩紋人或是阿努伊人,有特別關係同屬蒙古人種。 Then 拿罗阿帕萨 of DNA, with the Jomon people were descendants of Anouilh's comparison, in 564 letters, only two different parts of the world's national DNA has been analyzed in Anouilh people closest to the roa Esparza's DNA, indicating that at least some people who moved to the Andes, with the Jomon people or Anouilh who belong to the Mongols of particular species.

北海道與安地 斯是住在兩極的人,他們的祖先曾經一起住在亞洲大陸,他們一定從共同的祖先繼承與自然界共處的智慧。 Hokkaido and the Andean people living in polar and their ancestors have lived in the Asian continent, they must inherit from a common ancestor coexistence with nature's wisdom. 那麼日本人的祖先蒙古人種,又是從那來的? So the ancestors of Mongoloid Japanese, but also from that come from? 要檢驗這問題 就得回頭,以線粒體DNA當線索,找現代人的起源。 To test this question have to go back to mitochondrial DNA as clues to find the origin of modern man.

尼安 德塔人、北京人、爪哇人 Neanderthal man, Peking Man, Javanese

現代人共同的祖先,是在何時何地出生? The common ancestor of modern man is born when and where? 曾經有化石在 世界各地出土,可作為線索,亞洲發現100萬年前的爪哇人,也有50萬年的北京人,在歐洲的德國尼安德塔發現尼安德塔人。 The fossil was unearthed in the world, can be used as clues, Asia 1 million years ago Javanese found, there are 50 million years of the Peking Man, Neanderthal found in Europe, Neanderthal man in Germany. 尼安德塔人可 追溯到大約30萬年前,根據這些事實認為早在百萬年前,現代人的祖先已經在世界許多地方出現,各自在不同的地方進化,這是多元化地區模式。 Neanderthal man dating back about 30 million years ago, on these facts that as early as 1 million years ago, the ancestors of modern man has appeared in many parts of the world, their evolution in different places, which is diversified regional model. 根據這理論日 本人的祖先,可能是北京人。 According to this theory the ancestors of the Japanese, probably from Beijing.

不過有一位研 究者,懷疑多元化地區模式論,他就是加州大學的威爾遜教授。 One researcher, however, doubt on the diversification of regional patterns, he is the University of California Professor Wilson. 威爾遜教授認為現代人是從同一祖先分支出來,他從五大人種選出134人檢驗DNA排序列,由於突變會發 生於固定的時間週期,威爾遜教授認為,族群的歷史愈久,族群裏排序列的差異愈大,威爾遜教授想出來的現代人族譜,根據他的分析,歐洲族群和亞洲族群,包括 新幾內亞及澳洲,在序列上有些小差異,這表示這兩個族群的歷史短。 Professor Wilson is a modern branch out from the same ancestor, he selected from the five race series 134 test DNA sequencing, because mutations occur at a fixed time period, Professor Wilson, the longer the history of ethnic groups, ethnic groups in sorting out the greater the difference, Wilson came up with the modern family tree, according to his analysis, European and Asian ethnic groups, including New Guinea and Australia, there are some small differences in the sequence, which means that the short history of the two groups. 在非洲人裏面序列顯得較不相同,顯示他們的歷史長,所以現代人的共同祖先,是在非洲出生,歐洲人、亞洲 人都是從他們分支出來。 Sequence in which Africans appear more different, and show their long history, so the common ancestor of modern man is born in Africa, Europeans, Asians are branching out from them.

此外仔細計算突變的時間週期,威爾遜教授指出亞洲人和歐洲人於9萬年前出現,而現代人的共同祖先,20 萬年前存在於非洲,這個單一根源論引起激烈的爭議。 In addition, mutation of carefully calculated period of time, Wilson pointed out that the Asians and Europeans occurred in 90 000 years ago, while the common ancestor of modern people, 20 million years ago found in Africa, this single source of heated controversy. 第一:年代跟傳統的說法,差異太大;第二:現代人的共同始祖,是個非洲女人,令人震驚。 First:'s with the traditional view, varies greatly; Second: the common ancestor of modern man is a woman in Africa is shocking. 然而理論還沒 證實,威爾遜卻因白血病逝世。 Theory, however, have not confirmed that Wilson died because of leukemia.

巴勃是威爾遜 教授的學生,他接棒研究,尼安德塔人的大腦發達,相信是歐洲人的祖先。 Pablo is a student of Professor Wilson, he was taking over study Neanderthal brain development, is believed to be the ancestors of the Europeans. 巴勃教授於 1997年,首先分析出尼安德塔人的線粒體DNA,用尼安德塔人的378個字母排序列,拿來跟現代人的比對,現代歐洲人和亞洲人,平均有八個字母差異,但 是跟尼安德塔人比,差異高達三倍,有26處相異,假如尼安德塔人是歐洲人的祖先,差異必須少於8處,這表示尼安德塔人不是現代人的祖先。 Barbour Professor in 1997, the first analysis of the Neanderthal mitochondrial DNA, with Neanderthal man sort out 378 letters, be used to compare with modern, modern Europeans and Asians on average 8 letter difference, but with the Neanderthal, the difference up to three times, with 26 different, if Neanderthal ancestors of Europeans, the difference must be less than 8, this means that Neanderthal people are not ancestors of modern humans.

強烈支持威爾 遜教授的單一根源論,現代人的線粒體DNA差異很小,這表示現代人的DNA,絕對不是得自尼安德塔人,假如威爾遜教授還健在,他一定很高興。 Strongly supports a single source of Professor Wilson, the modern mitochondrial DNA showed little difference, this means that modern DNA, is definitely not derived from the Neanderthal man, if Wilson was still alive, he must be very happy. 威爾遜教授做過,另一項重要的研究,既有的理論認定人類是在1,500萬年前,從類人 (Anthropoid)分支出來,他推翻這個理論,威爾遜教授假設人類祖先,首先從猩猩分支,然後從大猩猩分支,最後在5百萬年前,從黑猩猩分支。 Professor Wilson has done, another important research, both theoretical identified in 1,500 million years ago human beings, from the class of people (Anthropoid) branch out, he overturned the theory, the Wilson that the human ancestors, starting with the gorilla branch, and then from the gorilla branch, the last 5 million years ago, from the chimpanzee branch.

威爾遜教授的 假設宣布後,人類化石在衣索比亞出土,雖然這具3百萬年前南方古猿(Australopithecus)的化石,有直立行走的人類特徵,腦容積卻只有黑猩 猩那麼大,只能說是人的祖先,在5百萬年前剛從黑猩猩分支出來,這可以支持,威爾遜教授的理論。 Wilson, after the assumption that the human fossils unearthed in Ethiopia, although a 3 million years ago Australopithecus (Australopithecus) fossil, there are human characteristics to walk upright, but only the chimpanzee brain volume so large, can only say are the ancestors, the chimpanzees 5 million years ago, just branch out, which can support Wilson's theory.

我們的祖先從黑猩猩分支出來,然後分支成為爪哇人,北京人、尼安德塔人之後人的共同祖先,於20萬年前 出現,那麼日本人的祖先是怎樣從非洲到日本群島? Our ancestors from the chimpanzee branch out, and then branch into Javanese, Peking Man, Neanderthal man, after the common ancestor 20 million years ago there, then how the ancestors of the Japanese to the Japanese Islands from Africa? 我們的祖先裏 有一支,脫離經中東去歐洲的那支,往亞洲遷徙,這些人有白種人的特徵,為了適應移居的環境,而化作黑人或是蒙古人種。 There is one of our ancestors, from the Middle East to Europe through that branch, to Asian migration, the characteristics of these people are white, moved to adapt to the environment, and turned into a black or a Mongolian. 亞洲大陸上的氣候環境,有很大的差異,蒙古人種在多方面適應,有一支於12,000年前,移居日本群 島,建立繩紋文化,一萬年後另一支,又來到日本群島。 Climate and environment on the Asian continent, is very different from the Mongoloid race in many ways to adapt, with one in 12,000 years ago, moved to the Japanese Islands, the establishment of the Jomon culture to another branch after a million years, went to the Japanese archipelago.

Yoshinogari 廢墟(佐賀)這一族人創立了彌生文化(Yayoi culture),其中一些人驅逐繩紋人,有些跟他們混合,散佈種稻文化,直到今天,日本人被分為兩個族群,繩紋人和彌生人,不過最近研究顯示繩紋族,原 以為是同血緣其實不然,如果拿沖繩人和阿伊努人的DNA比對,兩者都被視為繩紋人的後裔,至少有一個字母差異,這顯示各族的祖先,已經出自不同的移民。 Yoshinogari ruins (Saga) The tribe established the Yayoi culture (Yayoi culture), some of the Jomon people were expelled, some mixing with them, spread rice culture, even today, the Japanese were divided into two groups, Jomon and Yayoi, Jomon, but recent studies have shown that family, thought the same blood is not true, If you take the DNA of Okinawa and the Ainu than two are considered descendants of the Jomon people, at least one letter differences, indicating that the ancestors of all ethnic groups, immigrants have come from different.

此外寶來教 授分析東亞五個族群的DNA,檢驗日本人的組合,結果令人驚訝,根據寶來教授分析,住在本州的人當中,只4.8%的人有獨特的、日本人的DNA,相反地有 50%的序列,跟朝鮮和中國人相同,此外有四分之一的人,他們的序列跟阿伊努和沖繩人相同。 In addition, Polaris, Professor of East Asian populations of the five DNA, testing the combination of the Japanese, the result is surprising, according to Professor of Polaris, the people who live in the state, only 4.8% of people have a unique, Japanese DNA, On the contrary, 50% of the sequence, with the same Korean and Chinese, in addition to a quarter of the people, their sequences were identical with the Ainu and Okinawa. 顯然日本人有 不同的族裔。 Obviously there are different ethnic Japanese. 我們來看朝鮮 人有40%有獨特的序列,而中國人的比率更高達60%,寶來佐利教授認為住在本州的日本人,沒有顯著的特徵,反而有朝鮮和中國人的特徵,現在我們知道日本 人,不是遺傳血緣一致的族群,蒙古人種從亞洲大陸,移居日本群島,本來繩紋和彌生人,被認為是遺傳同源,其實是不同的族群,日本人似乎自己發展文化,但是 他們顯然並非同源的族群,反而跟中國大陸、朝鮮半島的人關係深厚,如果用線粒體DNA線索,追溯人類的藍圖,以種族或國界來區分人類,會愈來愈不清楚,愈 來愈清楚的是,透過非洲的共同祖先,人類有著相互的關連。 We see 40% of Koreans have a unique sequence, the ratio of the Chinese people as much as 60%, Polaris Suketoshi Professor of Japanese living in the state, no significant features, but there are Korean and Chinese characteristics We now know that the Japanese are not the same genetic lineage groups, Mongoloid from the Asian mainland, moved to the Japanese archipelago, had Jomon and Yayoi is considered genetic homology, in fact, different ethnic groups, the Japanese seem to develop their own culture , but they are clearly not homologous groups, but with China, relations between the Korean Peninsula were profound, if using mitochondrial DNA clues to trace the human blueprint, in order to distinguish the human race or national boundaries, will become clear, Yu Lai more clear that the common ancestor through Africa, the human connection with each other.

每年日內瓦聯合國總部都舉辦國際會議,世界各地的原住民齊聚一堂,直到現在原住民的土地語言被剝奪,遭 遇無理的迫害。 United Nations Headquarters in Geneva, organizes an annual international conference on indigenous peoples around the world gathered until now been deprived of indigenous people's land language, encountered unreasonable persecution. 原住民大會致 力訂定國際公約,要恢復他們的權益,阿伊努人、沖繩人,從日本前來與會,身為南美洲蓋丘亞人的代表,羅也來了,原住民有共同的理念,就是與大自然共存。 Native Assembly is committed to provide international conventions, to restore their rights, the Ainu, Okinawans, from Japan to come to the meeting, as representatives of South America, Quechua people, while Romania has come, indigenous people have a common philosophy is to coexist with nature. 人類的藍圖,寫在我們的DNA上,DNA的神祕維持這麼多年,如今要揭曉了,我們若是仔細聽,那模糊的 密碼,彷彿聽得見活在20萬年前,我們共同的母親說話。 The human blueprint, written in our DNA on, DNA of the mystery for so many years, to be announced today, and if we listen carefully, that obscure password, as if to hear the living 20 million years ago, our common mother to speak.

(原翻者:姜金龍;公視研發部整理 (Original translation by: Jiang Jinlong; public order, as the R & D)

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