破癌解謎-組織嚴密的疾病 Breaking
cancer puzzle - organized disease
變 │ Ras
基因 │ DNA
│ 癌
細胞的染色體 │ 色
素體 │ 愛
滋病毒 Mutation
│ Ras
gene │ DNA
│ cancer
chromosome │ chloroplasts
│ 癌
細胞 │ DNA
晶片 │ cancer
chip 琳朵兒邵德恩住在美國奧克拉荷馬州,她今年41歲,一輩子跟
手術,後來她結婚生下三個女兒,現在她離婚獨力扶養三名女兒。 Lin Shao
Deen Dor live in the United States, Oklahoma, her 41-year-old, living
with life with cancer, had cancer four times longer, when she was 18
months the first time in a long nose, osteosarcoma, malignant bone tumor
that is; 14 years of age and then a long mandible osteosarcoma, she
moves, numerous surgeries, radiotherapy, plastic surgery, and later she
gave birth to three daughters married, and now she divorced, raising
three daughters alone. 她32歲時生第三個孩子,癌又在她的右乳房肆瘧,她動了乳房
切除術,35歲時又失掉左乳房,她想不通為什麼自己一連四次長癌。 Her
third child, 32 years old students, cancer again in her right breast is
rampant, and she moved mastectomy, 35 years old has lost the left
breast, she can not imagine why his fourth consecutive long cancer.
突變 Mutation
The human body has 60 trillion cells, cell
metabolism constantly to maintain the vitality of the body.
In the process of cell division, genetic
replication after cell multiplication, the most important function,
sustains life, but cell division if too frequent, life is a risk.
當細胞分裂過程失控時,就開始長癌,細胞分裂時線會捲成一大紽,成為染色體。 When the cell division process gets out of control, they
begin to long cancer, cell division line will be Juan Chengyi large
braid on a robe, a chromosome. 以46個譜代表46個染色體,A、T、G、C等4個字母,分成60億對寫在譜上,這些字母代表化學名稱,分別是
Adenine腺嘌呤、Thymine胸腺嘧啶、Guanine鳥嘌呤、Cytosine胞嘧啶。 With 46 chromosomes representing 46 spectra, A, T, G, C
and so on 4 letters, divided into six billion pairs of written spectrum,
these letters stand for chemical name, namely Adenine Adenine, Thymine
Thymine, Guanine Guanine, Cytosine Cytosine. 這四個字母的順序改變,或是部份遺失就會突變。 Change
the order of the four letters, or some mutations will be lost.
基因,跟癌有關連,其中一些基因顯示在此,每一種都能在適當時候,令細胞分裂或是停止分裂。 About 100 000 places, arrange the four letters into the
gene, now found 200 genes with cancer-related, some of which appear in
this gene, each of which can in due course, so that cells divide or stop
dividing. Ras 基因 Ras
gene 這類基因有些影響力很大,例如這種ras 基因,就跟結腸癌有關連,當細胞增殖時,ras基因就活躍起了。
Some very considerable influence of these genes,
such as that ras gene, just like cancer related, the time when cell
proliferation, ras gene is active from the. 這怎麼會跟細胞癌化,有關連呢? This
will follow cell carcinoma of how the connection? 60兆細胞構成人體細胞持續地新陳代謝,維持身體的活力,身體需要新細胞時,基因開始倍數生長細胞,Ras基因就是其中一
種。 60 trillion cells constitute a
continuous human cell metabolism, to maintain the vitality of the body,
the body needs a new cell, gene start multiple growth cells, Ras gene is
one of them. Ras蛋白質是ras
基因生出的,ras細胞、紅蛋白質同ras蛋白質,合作激發細胞分裂。 Ras
protein is the birth of the ras gene, ras cells, red protein with ras
proteins, co-stimulate cell division. DNA DNA 這些蛋白質在細胞內,特定的位置運作,需要新細胞時,細胞收到分裂的指令,信號再傳到ras蛋白質,及其同工那裏激發細胞分
裂。 These proteins in the cell, the
specific location of the operation, new cells, the cells receive
instructions to split the signal and then spread to ras protein, and
stimulate cell division with the workers there. 人體細胞一收到令分裂細胞的信號,ras蛋白質內的細胞,細胞膜下面的蛋白質,把信號傳給ras蛋白質,蛋白質同工收到信號
之後,向細胞移動,紅色細胞同工,替ras蛋白質傳令進入細胞核傳遞細胞分裂的信號。 Human cells to make a received signal dividing cells, ras
proteins within the cell membrane following protein, the signals to ras
protein, the protein signal is received with the workers after the move
to the cells, red cells with the workers, for the ras proteins transmit
orders into the cell nucleus transfer signals cell division.
連接DNA複製基因之後,細胞開始分裂。 Blue protein in
the nucleus is to prevent cell division protein, this protein is to
limit the ras protein with the workers, not their freedom of movement,
blue and red two proteins at war, so that no more than the required cell
division, red to connect to suppress separation of protein protein, and
then restricted the release of proteins by linking DNA replication
genes, the cells began to divide. 假如ras蛋白質有失誤,就持續地發分裂信號。
If ras proteins errors made on a continuing split
signal. 目前發現大約有兩百種癌,與基因有關,Ras基因首先被發
現,會讓細胞增殖。 Now found that about 200
kinds of cancer, and genes, Ras gene was first found, allow cell
proliferation. 為什麼正常的細胞,會變成癌細胞?
Why do normal cells become cancer cells?
起初以為謎底是基因突變,使細胞倍增,另一種功能迥異的基因,是致癌的要角。 At first thought the answer is gene mutation, the cell
multiplication, another function of different genes, is a cancer of the
key players. 在日本,東京醫學院領導基因研究,從幾千名癌病患採下細胞,
發現基因怎麼突變,什麼時候跟癌有關連。 In Japan, the
Tokyo School of Medicine leadership genes, collected from thousands of
cancer patients under the cells and found how gene mutations, when
associated with cancer. 中村有助教授經常為癌病患動手術,他想到不可能以傳統療法征
化,因此不論作為診斷或治療的法寶,東京醫學院都把這種基因,視為最大的目標。 Professor
Nakamura will help cancer patients often undergo an operation, he
thought not possible with traditional therapies to conquer cancer, so of
genes, they are now studying p53 gene, basically this cancer is high
frequency of abnormal gene, abnormal p53 genes in a majority of cancer,
the study found that p53 prevent cell carcinoma, thus, regardless of
diagnosis or treatment as a magic weapon, Tokyo Medical regarded this
gene, as the biggest target. p53蛋白質,從p53基因生出,連接DNA,p53蛋白質總是四個一組,與DNA連接,為了防止細胞失控倍增,p53蛋白
質和同工把關,Ras基因內發生突變時,激發細胞分裂,不停地發出細胞分裂的指令,P53蛋白質察覺有突變,就會有行動。 p53 protein, p53 gene from birth, to connect DNA, p53
protein is always a group of four, and the DNA connection, in order to
prevent the cells multiply out of control, p53 protein, and check with
the workers, Ras gene mutation occurred, stimulate cell division,
non-stop to the instructions issued by cell division, P53 protein
detected a mutation, there will be action. 細胞受ras基因影響,不停地分裂,是正常的細胞,癌化的初期階段紅蛋白質激發細胞分裂之後,如果還連接DNA,細胞分裂就
的本領了。 Cells affected by the ras gene,
constantly splitting, is the normal cells, cancer of the early stages of
red proteins stimulate cell division, if it is connected DNA, cell
division will not stop, suppress separatist blue protein, protein to
pull red leave the gene, ras protein signal sent one by one, P53
supporters Zhaojiabuzhu, this time depends on p53, the ability to
suppress cell division. P53不單是連著紅蛋白質壓制細胞增殖,P53蛋白質是四員一組,連接DNA的特定部位,然後釋出強大無匹的蛋白質援
P53 suppression is not simply a row of red cell
protein, P53 protein is a group of four to connect the specific parts of
DNA, and then release powerful reinforcements matchless protein, P53
protein released reinforcements, forced march to support the blue
protein, so the ras of the command elimination to give birth to
reinforcements and the prevention of changes in normal cells into cancer
cells. 大約半數的癌病患有突變的p53基因,琳朵兒四度長癌,就因
為p53基因突變。 About half of the cancer
with mutant p53 gene, Lin bud long cancer four times, because of p53
gene mutation. MD安德生癌症中心的露易絲史壯教授發現,琳朵兒的一組p53基因有突變,突變複製遺傳的機率有15%,所以她全身都容易長
癌。 MD Anderson Cancer Center found
that Louise Professor Shi Zhuang, Lin bud of a p53 gene mutation,
mutation probability of genetic replication, 15%, so long her body is
easy to cancer. 琳朵兒的p53基因,這部位應該有一對T和一個A,她卻失掉
蛋白質幫手。 Lin bud of the p53 gene, this
site should have a pair of T and an A, she has lost the right T, so
after a pair of the disorder, and the mutant gene produced very little
protein, if over other p53 gene, the only give birth to a deformed
protein, abnormal p53 protein can not connect to DNA, proteins birth
helper. 細胞有不正常的p53基因,才會失調而無節制地增殖。
Cells have abnormal p53 gene, will offset the
uncontrolled proliferation. 琳朵兒在保險公司當秘書,扶養三個女兒。 Lin
bud in the insurance company as a secretary, raising three daughters.
承襲了突變基因,她認為要等她們成人後,自己決定要不要檢查。 16-year-old
daughter, 14-year-old long jaw bone from the beginning, Lin bud as one
wanted to have children, she thinks her children are living proof, she
had no intention at present pursue her children, whether inherited the
mutant gene, she finds it necessary so they are adult, to decide or not
to check. 基因突變不僅得自遺傳,化學品和紫外線也是導因,癌症的遺傳
機率為5%或10%,所以90%以上的癌症,非先天遺傳而是後天罹患。 Not
only derived from genetic mutations, chemical and UV is also the reason
leading to the genetic risk of cancer is 5% or 10%, so 90% of the
cancer, risk of non-congenital genetic but acquired.
Chromosomes of cancer cells 突變不是先天遺傳,而是後天罹患。 Genetic
mutation is not innate, but acquired suffering. 地球乃是生命的搖籃,有害的紫外線恆常地照射著地表,有少量的紫外線從臭氧層洩出籠罩地球,會傷害我們的基因導致突變。
Earth but the cradle of life that regular exposure
to harmful ultraviolet radiation with the surface, a small amount of UV
escape from the ozone layer enveloped the earth, will hurt our genes
cause mutations. 紫外線射到身體時,驅動皮膚的色素體或色素細胞,紫外線射到
皮膚時,色素體生出黑色素。 UV rays reach all parts
of the body, the driven body or skin pigment pigment cells, when UV rays
reach all parts of the skin pigment melanin physical birth.
色素體 Chloroplasts
處,有另一種功能運作。 Black skin cells are
melanoma, ultraviolet light to genes isolated from non-destructive, even
deep in the skin, there is another function of the operation.
突變。 UV radiation to the skin, the core
began to turn green, indicating that p53 protein, in the core in the
proliferation and infiltration of melanin pigment cells shines
ultraviolet genes, cell damage caused by mutation. 基因受損時,p53基因連接DNA,制止細胞分裂,然後蛋白質群合力修復損壞基因。 Gene is damaged, p53 gene link DNA, to stop cell
division, and then group together to repair damage to the protein gene.
復DNA以恢復正常。 Protein maintenance team
first found the damaged DNA, some proteins form a tripod for the other
foot pads, the distraction of other genes, to cut off the damaged area,
there are dozens of DNA repair proteins work together to return to
normal. p53基因阻止細胞分裂以換取時間,讓蛋白質維修組合力修復
損傷。 p53 gene to prevent cell division
in exchange for time to repair damaged protein repair combining ability.
他們臉上有許多色斑,都是細胞被日晒的疤痕,這情形惡化下去就是皮膚癌。 Some
people tend to cancer because of gene mutation long, children suffering
from dry skin disorder, also known as XP, they face many spots, all
cells are the sun and the scar, this situation is getting worse skin
cancer. 患XP的兒童受紫外線傷害,無法完全修復,不過p53基因有
最後一招防止細胞癌化,p53蛋白質用不同的助力,讓無法修復的細胞死亡,DNA碎片到處散落,這是細胞自殺。 Children suffering from XP by UV damage, can not be
completely repaired, but the p53 gene are a last resort to prevent the
cell cancerous, p53 protein with different help, so can not repair cell
death, DNA fragments strewn everywhere, which is cell suicide.
常的基因,避免波及周圍的細胞,患XP的兒童無法修復損壞的p53基因,所以很容易罹患皮膚癌。 Human skin cells commit suicide under ultraviolet light,
cells commit suicide to stop the abnormal gene, to avoid spread to
surrounding cells, for children suffering from XP can not repair a
damaged p53 gene, so it is easy to skin cancers. XP的兒童住在一個營地中,對於患XP不能在白天到戶外玩耍的兒童,這個營地為他們提供了少許交友的機會,義工在這個營地
舉辦各種活動,晚上九點有輛冰淇淋車來這裏販賣,病童可跟動物玩。 XP's
children live in a camp for people with XP can not be children playing
outdoors during the day, the camp provided them with some friends the
opportunity to volunteer in various activities organized by the camp
nine at night with vehicles selling ice cream truck to come here ,
children can play with the animals. XP兒童的家長擔心,神經併發症導致癱瘓,要看突變的部位而定,有些兒童從五歲起,喪失聽覺、行動失控。
XP parents worried about children, neurological
complications may result in paralysis, depending on the site of mutation
may be, some children from the age of five, loss of hearing, action out
of control. 基因密碼破解之後,各種致病的基因包括致癌的基因都被發現了,這些基因在細胞正常時,扮演重要的角色,但這些基因發生突變
時,疾病也就發作。 After cracking the genetic
code, a variety of disease-causing genes, including cancer-causing genes
have been identified, these genes in normal cells, play an important
role, but mutations in these genes, the disease also attacks.
One example of atopic dermatitis and related genes
in chromosome 11, with Alzheimer's disease is related to the base
chromosome 14. 不過基因突變並非通通不利,美澳兩洲有許多原住民,體內有8
類挨過食物不足的世代,如此一來熬過困境的記憶,都記錄在基因裏。 But
mutation is not detrimental to them altogether, United States and
Australia and Asia, many indigenous people, in vivo gene mutation on
chromosome 8, one of every three Japanese have such a mutation, present,
because eating too well, this mutation is very may lead to diabetes,
but still hungry human history when more of this mutation to the
generation of human to survive the food shortage, this way survive the
difficulties of memory, are recorded in the genes. 愛滋病毒 HIV 有些人有突變基因的保護,即使長期暴露在愛滋病毒下也不會感染,令人驚訝的是歐美的白人才有這種基因。
Some people have the protection of mutant genes,
even under long-term exposure to HIV infection would not, surprisingly,
the white European and American professionals have the gene.
15%的西方人身上發現,沒有一個是亞洲人身上有的。 史蒂芬克罗恩living
in New York is such a person, Stephen is a travel magazine writer, he
has three working partners died of AIDS in 1982, Qiu Li Gelin partner
died of the virus was not the name of do not know what caused the
National Cancer Centre Stephen's blood test results and other HIV immune
blood samples showed mutations, this mutation is from 10 to 15% of the
Westerners who found that no one is Asian him some. 愛滋病毒溜進免疫細胞,一個接一個地破壞,最後侵占了整個身體。 HIV slipped into the immune cells, one by one, destroy,
and finally occupied the entire body. 紫色病毒先附著免疫細胞的巨噬細胞,愛滋病毒黏著巨噬細胞表面的化學受體,然後溜進去,愛滋病毒的巨噬細胞,因為基因的協助
暴增而溢出,終於破壞了全身的免疫細胞。 Purple virus
before attachment of immune cells macrophages, HIV-macrophage cell
surface adhesion of chemical receptors, and then slipped to the AIDS
virus in macrophages, because the genes to help explosion and spill, and
finally destroy the body's immune cells . 由於基因突變,然後使得像史蒂芬這樣的人,有了形狀不同的化學受體,防止愛滋病毒溜進去。 As the gene mutation, and then makes such people as
Stephen, with the shape of different chemical receptors to prevent HIV
Mitnick. 研究人員從基因散佈的頻率,發現這種突變可能是最近發生的,在這群白種族裔的祖先,大約是在過去的十萬年中,因為某種原因,
在那群人裏產生基因突變。 Researchers from the gene
frequency distribution and found that this mutation may be recent, in
the group of white ethnic ancestors, about the past million years, for
some reason, the crowd in produce gene mutation. 歐布萊教授鑑於這種突變,大部份發生於歐美白人,因此假設這種突變曾經對這些人有利。 O'Brien Professor of view of this mutation, the majority
occurred in Europe and the United States whites, so assume that this
mutation has been beneficial to these people. 根據歐布萊教授的人口統計,大約是七百年前歐洲的確有病變,發生過鼠疫,這場鼠疫在短短的六年內,把歐洲的人口消滅
爾森氏鼠疫桿菌引發黑死病,這是發生高頻率的潛在原因。 According
to O'Brien, Professor of Population, about 700 years ago in Europe there
is indeed a disease, the occurrence of plague, this plague in just six
years to eliminate 30% of the population of Europe, but people still
make it through, O'Brien Professor Lai believes in this big plague, some
people survive with this mutation, so the same receptors in the same
cell, HIV has become the goal, causing AIDS, like Yersinia pestis, the
plague caused This is the high frequency of occurrence of potential
causes. 歐布萊教授假設這基因突變,在七百年前救了許多人,如今再出
現可能成為壓制愛滋病毒的基因。 Professor O'Brien
assumed that mutations in the 700 years ago to save a lot of people, now
and then there may be suppression of HIV genes. 癌細胞 Cancer
cell 一再重複的突變,地球上的生態各色各樣,也生出順應環境變化的能力。 Repeated mutation, diverse ecosystem on Earth, but also
give birth to adapt to environmental change. 三年來,琳朵兒白天當秘書,早晚上課要成為護士,一生跟癌搏鬥的經驗,使她歷盡人生起伏,她要以自己的經驗,幫助跟她同病相
憐的人,琳朵兒一輩子跟癌搏鬥,決定要走出自己的路。 Three years,
Lin bud during the day as a secretary, morning and evening classes to
become a nurse, the experience of a lifetime struggle with cancer, so
she gone through ups and downs in life, she wanted to use my experience
to help people who suffered the same fate with her, Lin bud life battle
with cancer , decided to go its own way.
p53基因人的腦瘤是受這種病毒感染,這種腺病毒能在細胞裏,產生p53蛋白質,一天之後這細胞,快速地萎縮。 With the progress of genetic research, new treatments one
by one, now researchers are trying to p53 gene was cloned into the
cancer cells, this adenovirus, cause colds genetic engineering, human
brain tumors with p53 gene is infected by this virus This adenovirus in
cells, the p53 protein production, one day after the cells rapidly
shrinking. 腺病毒大量地送進癌細胞內產生p53蛋白質,激發細胞自殺,
三天之後癌細胞死亡,裏面有突變基因。 Adenovirus sent
large numbers of cancer cells to generate p53 protein to stimulate cell
suicide, three days after the death of cancer cells, which have
mutations. 目前基因治療法正在臨床試用p53基因,德州休斯頓一家生化科技公司,研究注入p53基因的腺病毒,已經用於治療,由於基因
治療需要高品質的特級細胞,生產過程幾乎是密而不宣。 Recently,
the gene therapy clinical trial is p53, a biotechnology company in
Houston, Texas, to study the injection of adenovirus p53 gene has been
used to treat, because gene therapy requires high-quality super cell,
the production process is almost Silent . 高德開業行醫已有四十多年,兩年前十二月,診斷出他患早期肺癌,診斷結果目前無法可治,他正好符合條件,於是立刻接受
p53基因治療。 De-opening practice has 40
years, two years ago in December, he was diagnosed with early lung
cancer diagnosis is not possible to rule, he happened to meet the
conditions, p53 gene therapy was immediately accepted. 帶p53基因的腺病毒,由長針頭注入肺部癌細胞,高德在兩個月內,接三次這樣的治療,治療前高德的癌直徑有八公分,三個月以
後癌的直徑縮到三公分,而且肺壞掉的部位,又恢復正常,p53基因使癌細胞自殺。 P53
gene with adenovirus, the long needle into the lung cancer cells, high
German in two months, then three such treatments, the cancer treatment
with high moral and eight centimeters in diameter, three months after
the cancer to shrink in diameter three centimeters, and the broken parts
of the lung, but also to restore normal, p53 gene to cancer cells
commit suicide. 基因治療的好處是中毒率低,而且可以跟記波治療,放射治療配
合進行,而毒性並沒有增加,所以基因治療的好處是可以用於大量的病人,配合其他療法。 The benefits of gene therapy is low toxic and can be
credited with the wave treatment, with radiotherapy, whereas no increase
in toxicity, so the benefits of gene therapy can be used for a large
number of patients with other therapies. 不過到現在只有初期癌病患,接受這種療法,所以很少有高德這樣的結果,因為癌症初期,不僅p53基因,還有許多其他的基因
突變。 However, there are only the
initial cancer patients receiving this therapy, so very few results of
such high moral, because the early cancers, not only the p53 gene, there
are many other mutations. 癌細胞的產生是因為正常細胞的基因突變,如果基因突變限制分裂,當正常細胞分裂增殖時,細胞分裂會失控,這是正常細胞癌化的
開始。 Cancer arise because of mutations
in normal cells, if the gene mutation restricted to split, when normal
cell division and proliferation, the cells divide out of control, this
is the beginning of the normal cell cancerous. 如果其中的細胞裏又發生突變,這細胞的形狀功能會改變,如果有若干基因突變,細胞會現出前所未有的特性,這個細胞脫離四周的
細胞,到處遊走,不久它就會溜到正常細胞中間,進入血管淋巴管,流到另一個地點,然後溜進另一部位長新的瘤。 If one cell in another mutation, this cell will change the
shape of the function, if the number of gene mutations, cells features
than ever, the cell from surrounding cells, roam, and soon it will slip
off to the middle of normal cells into the lymphatic vessels, to flow to
another location, and then slipped into the other parts of the tumor
grows new. 癌細胞裏的基因突變累積的方式很複雜,有各樣的力量發動毫無節制,要戰勝癌症的關鍵在於,更精確迅速地判定癌細胞內的基因突
變。 Cancer gene mutations accumulated
in a complex manner, with all sorts of unbridled power to launch, is the
key to overcoming cancer, more precise cancer cells quickly determine
the gene mutation.
DNA晶片 DNA chip
像是魚類偵測器,能測知是什麼魚。 The current treatment
of cancer researchers hoping something called DNA chip analyzer, like
fish detector, can detect what is the fish. 基因就像在細胞海裏工作不同的碎基因,各在一道紋路裏,DNA晶片吸起它,放在玻璃盤上,當癌細胞質注入玻璃盤上,那些基因
按其功能呈現各種色點,即使是同一內臟的癌,基因也大不相司。 Gene as
in cells of different pieces of work the sea gene, where the lines in
one, DNA chip pick up it, on the glass plate, when the cancer cells
injected into the glass plate on the quality, those genes showing a
variety of color points according to their function, even the same
visceral cancer, genes with large non-Division. 因病人而異,抗癌藥物的效果或是代謝的速度,都會使治療困難,使用DNA晶片可以很快地分析細胞的特性,為每一位病人量身訂
做治療法。 Varies by patient, the effect of
anticancer drugs or metabolic rate, would make treatment difficult,
using DNA chip can quickly analyze the characteristics of cells for each
patient tailored treatment. 跟癌搏鬥,決定要走出自己的路。 Fight
with cancer, decided to go its own way. 由於科技革新,諸如DNA晶片顯微排列,可以同時分析成千上萬的基因,用這個方法可以掌握廣大的情報,與現在情報侷限的光
景,不可同日而語。 As the new technology, such
as DNA micro array chip that can analyze thousands of genes
simultaneously, using this method can grasp the general intelligence,
and intelligence is now limited circumstances, can not compare.
Genetic information more and more clear, the
significance of mutations will be drastic changes in the many diseases
including cancer treatment, because of genetic research progresses,
seems to dominate the fate of the gene, but when we unlock the genetic
mystery of the disease, we method of treatment may be greatly changed,
and this day will not be too long. (原翻者:姜金龍;公視研發部整理) (Original
translation by: Jiang Jinlong; public order, as the R & D)