1. What is narrow AI ? Give two examples.

Narrow AI means these AI do only certain things human can do, but usually very much better. Flying and landing aircrafts, control weapon systems, making financial decisions, and assemble parts in a factory, are a few examples.


2. What is ubiquitous computing ?

Computer (chips) become so small and cheap that they are so many in embedded in everything around us and become everywhere but invisible when we use them.


3. What is the purpose of emotion for biological beings ?

Define the priority (what is important and what is not), . For example, fear help biological beings to avoid danger. Like (desire) encourage taking action to get or possess.


4. How to build emotion into machine ?

Implement "focuser" for the machine. So that when certain thing happen, the machine draw all its resource (attention) onto dealing that situation.


5. What is Moore's law ?

Number of transistors that can be built on same area of semiconductor chips will be doubled every 18 months.


6. What is Alan Turing's contribution and what is the so called Turing Test ?

Turing proposed a mathematical theory called Universal Turing Machine which become the model of modern computer, this is way before any computer was actually built. Turing test define a procedure to test whether the machine intelligent has reach human level . The test suggested put human (a man and a woman) and computer in separate rooms, people outside the rooms can only communicate with what is inside through typing keyboard and reading from text screen. If the people outside the rooms can not distinguish which room has computer and which room has human, it is said the computers has pass the Turing Test.


7. Can machine recognise pattern (objects on streets) ? How can that be possible ?

Yes, machine can recognize pattern (such as objects on streets), it is achieved by combining neural science of visions in brain and computer science. The computer is given thousands of pictures of street objects and been told what they are seeing, after this training process finish, computer can recognize 78% of objects on street.


8. What are top-down approach and button-up approach of Artificial Intelligence ?

Top-down approach AI
expert system
thousands of rules pre-set
can provide legal medical advice

Bottom-up approach AI
a collection of simple and primitive system
can learn and be trained
artificial neural network


9. In the firm The 13th Floor. How people in the world of simulation found their world to be a simulated one ?

People in the simulated world travel far away from where they live, will see the incomplete edge of the simulated world, and realised their world unreal


10. ASIMO, the Honda developed robot, what advance function does it have ?

It can walk with two feet like human.