101-1 Final Exam of Global Technology Revolutions


1. Describe in detail how cells make protein from DNA codes.

2. In the film DNA Era: Episode (4), it was said that telomere is a knife with two blades (advantages and disadvantages). On one hand it restricts the number of times that a body cell can divide, on the other hand it enhance the speed of evolution. Please describe the reason behind this fact.

3. What negative effect will occur if one's serotonin level is too low?

4. Why is P53 gene closely related to many kinds of cancers ?

5. Why is there DNA in mitochondria? Why analysing mitochondria DNA is a good way to trace the origin of human species?

6. Novelty seeking is a kind of personality that could be related to gene, why ?

7. Are genetically modified foods safe? Why is explicit labeling of it important?

8. How many kinds of amino acids form proteins in human ?

9. In which way tomato can be genetically modified to have a much longer shelf life.

10. What is a Gene?