program fern real x,y,newx,newy,rand_num,ran2 integer maxit,i,iseed,i_switch,pgopen,i_symbol external ran2 if (pgopen('/xwin').le.0) stop call pgpap(6.0,1.0) call pgenv(-5.5,5.5,-0.5,10.5,1,-1) call pgsci(1) call pgscr(16,0.1,0.7,0.05) i_symbol = -1 100 write(*,*) 'What is the total number of iteration ?' read (*,*) maxit write(*,*) 'Give a random seed integer :' read (*,*) iseed call pgsci(16) DO 1000, II=1,MAXIT x = ran2(iseed) y = ran2(iseed) call pgbbuf c do i=1,maxit do i=1,20 rand_num = ran2(iseed) if ( then newx = 0.0 newy = 0.16*y x = newx y = newy else if ( then newx = 0.85*x + 0.04*y newy = -0.04*x + 0.85*y + 1.6 x = newx y = newy else if ( then newx = 0.2*x - 0.26*y newy = 0.23*x + 0.22*y + 1.6 x = newx y = newy else newx = -0.15*x + 0.28*y newy = 0.26*x + 0.24*y + 0.44 x = newx y = newy endif endif endif enddo call pgpt(1,x,y,i_symbol) call pgebuf 1000 CONTINUE 104 write(*,*) 'More points to draw ? (1=YES;0=NO)' read (*,*) i_switch if (i_switch.eq.0) goto 102 if (i_switch.eq.1) goto 100 goto 104 102 continue call pgclos end