program cooling_r_n_expt c This program will find cooling constant r by matching with experimental data implicit none integer pgopen, i, j, j_max, n_steps, i_color parameter (j_max=24) real r, time, time_max, T, time_expt(j_max),T_expt(j_max), delta_t real T_s, T_ini, dummy c Ask various input data write(*,*) 'Please type in how long (in min) you will wait :' read (*,*) time_max write(*,*) 'Please type in room temperature :' read (*,*) T_s write(*,*) 'Please type in the initial termperature :' read (*,*) T_ini c Open PGPLOT devices and set environments if(pgopen('/xwin').le.0) stop call pgpap (5.0,0.75) call pgenv (0.0,time_max,0.0,100.0,0,0) call pglab ('Time (min)', 'Temperature (C)', 'Coffee Cooling') c Then open/read external file draw the experimental value (black coffee only) open (unit=10, file='coffee_expt.dat') do j=1,j_max read (10,*) time_expt(j), dummy, T_expt(j) end do close (10) c Draw the black coffee values i_color = 1 call pgsci (i_color) call pgpt (j_max, time_expt,T_expt,-1) c Ask r and Delta_t write(*,*) 'Please type in cooling constant r :' read (*,*) r write(*,*) 'Please type in small time-step delta_t :' read (*,*) delta_t c Run cooling simulation and draw thw results 100 n_steps = int(time_max/delta_t) time = 0.0 T = T_ini i_color = i_color + 1 call pgsci (i_color) call pgpt (1, time, T, -1) do i=1,n_steps time = time + delta_t T = T - r*(T-T_s)*delta_t call pgpt (1, time, T, -1) end do c Do a new r draw again, stop if r is smaller or equal zero. write(*,*) 'Now you can give next r, or let r smaller than zero to & stop' read (*,*) r if ( goto 100 c Stopping call pgclos end